
mark · 11/21/07 03:35PM

Over at Postsecret, the leading online repository of anonymous confessions, a writer reveals that he or she welcomes the forced respite the strike provides from having to churn out crap that pays the bills. Of course, as discussed earlier, the conflicted scribe is probably also happy to have another excuse to put off filling up a blank Final Draft screen for a while. [Postsecret]

Choire · 11/09/07 04:10PM

Linda Stein's assistant has confessed to the murder of the real estate broker. Apparently the assistant beat her with a "yoga stick" after Stein blew marijuana smoke in her face. [NYO]

Travolta Vampirism Shocker! 'I Like To Fly At Night,' Says Creepy, Undead Star

mark · 06/19/07 05:40PM

In a shocking interview airing later tonight, Guantanamo-quality Extra interrogator Jerry "Dr. Answers" Penacoli inserts a series of bamboo shoots underneath Hairspray star John Travolta's exquisitely manicured fingernails until the enigmatic actor comes clean about his controversial bedtime, unexpectedly admitting under the duress of Penacoli's punishing, Geneva Convention-violating techniques that he is, in fact, a vampire: "I fly sometimes at night. I catch up on all sorts of business I have to do...I do my work out at night."