
Jailed CA chief fingers his pals

Paul Boutin · 09/04/08 11:20AM

Sanjay Kumar isn't going to take one for the team. The former CEO of Computer Associates is serving 12 years in a minimum-security prison in Fairton, New Jersey, for his admitted role in a $2 billion accounting coverup. Kumar and others had boosted CA's quarterly results reports by including contracts that had come in after the quarter was over. Now, Kumar has sworn in affidavits that former chairman Lew Ranieri, cofounder Russell Artzt, and former senator Alfonse D'Amato — currently a member of CA's board — were also involved in hiding the scheme from investigators. The reply from a spokesman for the accused: Kumar "from jail continues to be a stranger to the truth." (Photo by AP/Bob Goldberg)

Sears covertly spying for ComScore?

Tim Faulkner · 01/03/08 03:20PM

Sears, the department-store operator, is inviting visitors to its website to join an online "community." In the process, visitors may be unwittingly installing spyware from ComScore which monitors all of their online behavior "including ... filling a shopping basket, completing an application form, or checking your ... personal financial or health information." Sears defends this installation process as clearly and appropriately disclosed. Computer Associates, a Harvard Business School professor, and possibly the government disagree.

Does Facebook Beacon spy on you without asking?

Nicholas Carlson · 12/03/07 06:13PM

Facebook tracks user activity on sites affiliated with its Beacon advertising program, even when those users have opted-out of the program and logged off Facebook. So say security researchers at Computer Associates, who offers the following screenshots for proof.