
The Chinese Government Guide To Olympic Journalism

Hamilton Nolan · 08/15/08 08:52AM

When a Hong Kong paper said earlier this week that it had gotten its hands on a 21-point memo from the Chinese government's propaganda unit telling the national media how it must cover the Olympics, the head of the Beijing Olympic committee scoffed, "There is no such 21-point document. Chinese media, according to the Chinese constitution, are free to report on the games." But then the Sydney Morning Herald got the same document, and published it in full. Witness the worldwide free press in action, propagandists! Highlights of the edicts to the proud nation's "journalists":

Flag-Waving American Companies Cheat On Us With China

Hamilton Nolan · 07/21/08 08:07AM

You may never find a better moment in history to marvel at the craven pseudo-patriotism of international corporations than now, when all the world's major consumer companies are fighting to ingratiate themselves to Chinese consumers. That's China, the Red Menace! Did you know that Pepsi ran a promotion changing the color of its cans to red to honor China('s communism)? It's true! Did you know McDonald's ads now say "I'm lovin it when China wins"? The traitorous scum! Where is the xenophobic backlash? Also, ad execs are scoffing at the robot-like sameness of all these new commercials touting various companies' Chinese patriotism. Below, one McDonald's spot, and one Pepsi spot. Do the Chinese really scream so much?

The Commie 'Winnie the Pooh'

ian spiegelman · 06/28/08 03:35PM

When the godless Reds in the Soviet Union wanted to entertain their young, they got their cartoons like they got everything else-they stole it! The following is a clip from a Soviet Era cartoon called, "Vinnie the Puh." And it's pure Red Menace indoctrination from start to finish. You want to rise high and claim some precious honey for yourself, little Comrade? Nyet! Stay in your place!

Obama Hires a Godless Commie!

ian spiegelman · 04/27/08 12:21PM

Senator Barack Obama's "official blogger" has ties to the Communist Threat that could bring this nation to its very knees! "Sam Graham-Felsen, a journalist-on-leave from The Nation, joined 'Obama for America' in March 2007 where he works for the New Media department as the official blogger, daily presenting the campaign's public face. Now he's under fire for his reputed Marxist sympathies from bloggers at Common Ills on the left and Little Green Footballs on the right."