
Wal-Mart Still Running Christmas Shopping Ad With Unfortunate Overtones

Hamilton Nolan · 12/01/08 04:20PM

Are you ready for a PR quiz? Okay! If you were a marketing executive at the nation's largest retailer, and an employee got trampled to death at the big holiday shopping sale at one of your stores, might you consider pulling an ad that trumpets your holiday sales with the line, "We're opening more lanes than ever to make Christmas shopping easier!" We're just saying. People could get the wrong idea about your stance on trampling. And Adrants points out that the ad below was still in heavy TV rotation throughout the entire weekend:

mark · 12/20/07 06:10PM

Has Sundance "gone Hollywood"? Of course it has! But for those clinging to the belief that Park City is anything other than a weeklong gifting suite that screens independent films to kill time in between agency parties, and who are looking for a fresh excuse to get outraged about the festival's commercialism, have a look at their shiny new online store—where people can—gasp!—buy things bearing the Sundance brand: "'They can't really claim to be 'art house' if they're basically operating a Disney Store online,' said one top film critic who asked to remain anonymous, fearing reprisals.'" [Page Six]