
Drunken Economist

Alaska Miller · 09/19/08 06:40PM

As Facebook grows up with the help of its adult chaperones, the changes are starting to manifest themselves. The site has been redesigned; advertising schemes, experimented with. Most importantly, CEO Mark Zuckerberg's voice has been neutered to soothe investors instead of reminding them that he's CEO, bitch. Today's featured commenter, Drunken Economist, comes to us with a joke to explain what's really going on:


Jackson West · 09/18/08 06:40PM

At Valleywag, we pride ourselves on asking the obvious question that everyone else seems to be avoiding. But today we failed you, dear readers, with our review of Gogo's WiFi in the sky. Thankfully, our ever-helpful commenters like bjs don't let the public's truly pressing concerns slip through our fingers:


Alaska Miller · 09/17/08 06:40PM

The random scuttlebutt this morning was that Google might buy Valve — makers of fine slacker software such as Half Life and Team Fortress 2. But the fun came to a stop when Valve's marketing chief quashed the rumors. Or did it? Today's featured commenter, fullman, gives us a pictorial glimpse of what the Google-Valve merge could have given us:


Alaska Miller · 09/15/08 06:40PM

I'm a pretty simple guy. Hand me a bottle of Two-Buck Chuck and a Xbox controller and I won't bother you for a couple of hours, if not, days. So these posts talking about the harbinger of financial doom is upon us is like trying to understand the Bush Doctrine — I don't get it. Thankfully we have today's featured commenter, madox, to teach, correct, and maybe make you a little bit of money:


Alaska Miller · 09/12/08 06:40PM

Twitter is now creeping into weirder territories with the revelation of funeral tweeting. Is there an etiquette rule for this? Unless Miss Manners starts using Twitter, we may never know. Either way, sample032, today's featured commenter, has thought up a novel way for Twitter to start making revenue. Excuse me for a second while I don my flame-retardant suit for this one:


Alaska Miller · 09/10/08 06:40PM

A green version of Wikia, Jimmy Wale's for-profit followup to Wikipedia? On this subject, our featured commenter of the day, dannyisme, explains how Jimmy is really helping:

Rachel Marsden

Alaska Miller · 09/09/08 06:40PM

I thought Ashton Kutcher at TechCrunch50 was just some elaborate year-long Punk'd episode. Ooma? Blah Blah Girls? But it turns out it's actually just Michael Arrington's publicity bait! Well today's featured commenter, Rachel Marsden, shares with us a glimpse of her ass-kicking notoriety:


Alaska Miller · 09/08/08 06:40PM

Not to freak you out or anything but now that Google is time-sharing a satellite with the Department of Defense. What could possibly go wrong? Today's featured commenter, mayer, has an inkling of an idea:


Alaska Miller · 09/05/08 06:40PM

Marc Andreessen invented the friggin' Netscape browser. Have you heard of it? He also wants you to know that he's the idea guy who shifted your computing paradigm by getting Netscape to develop webtop software. So while gabbing at the Churchill Club, Andreessen slyly noted the realization of his ideas. By Google. Today's featured commenter, WilliamMarkFelt, explains the thing about ideas:


Alaska Miller · 09/04/08 06:40PM

We implored for stories of real engineers in Silicon Valley — the ones that messes with diodes, PCBs, chips, nuts and bolts. But what we got is a heart-warming rant by roybar, today's featured commenter, about what's wrong with the Valley in the first place:


Alaska Miller · 09/02/08 06:40PM

So Google launched a browser, did you hear? Well you should have by now considering that Google slipped up and sent the promotional comic book about the project early. Today's featured commenter, giddieup, knows how the breakdown in communication occured:


Alaska Miller · 08/28/08 06:40PM

If the Valley was like Hollywood, Hansup Yoon's story would have been the feel-good coming-of-age movie during Oscar season. Seriously, the kid makes a web forum and is able to make more money off Zune than Microsoft? Where's Sorkin on this? Lawrence, today's featured commenter, explains to those drinking the hatorade:


Owen Thomas · 08/26/08 06:20PM

Our summary of social-network operator Ning's tiff with a widgetmaker sparked a vicious name-calling riot in the comments. Elvenjewel became today's featured commenter by providing a helpful summary of the fracas, which proved more interesting than the Ning dispute:


Alaska Miller · 08/25/08 06:40PM

The thought of Steve Wozniak gallivanting around the Bay Area like it's his own personal kingdom touches my geek heart. But Woz inspired today's featured commenter, FlakJack, to pursue an interesting parenting technique:

Donk In A Box

Alaska Miller · 08/21/08 06:40PM

What can you do when your expensive iPhone with the expensive monthly plan just doesn't work? Class action lawsuit! Class action lawsuit! And that's exactly what one Alabama woman did. Donk In A Box, today's featured commenter, calls the case as he sees it: