
Sam Raimi Confirms Evil Dead 4

ian spiegelman · 07/27/08 07:20AM

Awesome news out of San Diego Comic-Con. Spider-Man director Sam Raimi announced that he's getting back together with actor Bruce Campbell for a fourth installment of their stellar Evil Dead franchise. Though the zombie-filled series has been dormant since 1992's Army of Darkness, Raimi-who was promoting his upcoming flick, Drag Me to Hell-told fans that part 4 is "in the wheelhouse."

'Incredible Hulk' Screenwriter: Edward Norton Did Not Write My Freaking Script!

ian spiegelman · 07/26/08 04:46PM

For some reason, The Incredible Hulk star Edward Norton has apparently been telling fans that he wrote the screenplay for the superhero flick. This doesn't sit well at all with screenwriter Zak Penn, considering that he enjoys sole writing credit and says he'd been working on the story for more than a decade. Penn showed up at San Diego's Comic-Con 2008 yesterday and aired his thoughts to an appreciative audience of nerds.

The Night Is Darkest Before The Dawn

Mark Graham · 07/25/08 08:15PM

· If it weren't for Dark Knight news, there wouldn't have been much news at all. After dispatching the Joker, Batman took on his toughest foe to date, the deranged Momzo The Clown (specialty: extortion). Batman denies all of the charges, which is just fine with new Oscar frontrunner Aaron Eckhart. · NBC announced that Jay Leno will be abdicating his Tonight Show throne on May 29, 2009 while a disguised Jay Leno sat in the audience cracking wise. Meanwhile, Jimmy Fallon will be spinning his wheels online for a few months before they let him loose on air. · Miley "Slut!" Cyrus took to the YouTubes to wage war on her new rival, Selena Gomez. · If you come within 1,000 yards of Brangelina's test tube babies, Brad Pitt will beat you to a pulp. · We finally learned what Judd Apatow's favorite season of The Wire was. · Surfer dude Matthew McConaughey cashed a $3 million check from OK! for baby pictures of young prince Levi. · Maybe it's just us, but Lyons & Mankiewicz doesn't quite have the same ring as Ebert & Roeper (let alone Siskel & Ebert). · Cuts at Vantage and Netflix made it another tough week for indie film. · Fer sure, fer sure, we counted down our favorite Valley Girls. · Don't bother with MapQuest, NPH can tell you how to get, how to get to Sesame Street. · And finally, the passing of Estelle Getty affected everyone, from teary YouTube eulogists to our own Molly McAleer. The saddest part? None of the Golden Girls made it to the funeral. Nevertheless, the memory of Sophia Petrillo will always live on.

Today in Comic-Con Hell: Rose McGowan Fellates Knife, Benicio Del Toro Stays Awake

STV · 07/25/08 05:25PM

As noted here yesterday, we missed the Fox PR Caravan to San Diego Comic-Con, but that shouldn't suggest we don't (or you shouldn't) care about the geek gangbang unfolding as we speak. To the contrary, we've actually managed to find a handful of highlights worth passing along, from Rose McGowan's overactive tongue to Benicio Del Toro's narcolepsy to an all-Lego Batman — and more! It's the next best thing to not being there, we promise! ·You'll never believe it, but Nikki Finke also stayed home, instead publishing dispatches by the New Times chain's resident nerd-hack Luke Y. Thompson. And what a run he's had, with his marathon Thursday bringing us hints at a Keanu Reeves love-in (we'll get to that) and the indelible image of Rose McGowan's Red Sonja knife-licking. She and Robert Rodriguez apparently remain a couple despite all kinds of fun rumors otherwise and, obviously, despite the worst movie poster to ever debut at Comic-Con. That said, hemogravy is hot with the ladies these days, so maybe we're the ones out of touch.·LYT draws praise, meanwhile, from David Poland, who also decided to crunch some numbers from the comfort of his own couch:

The Loneliness Of A Star Wars Fan

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/25/08 01:15PM

A Wookie from El Monte attending his first Comic Con in San Diego got separated from his group of friends after getting off the trolley. In a muffled voice, The Wookie said, "I stopped to tie my shoes for a second and, when I got up, I started talking to my friend Paul. He's dressed like Han Solo. But after I started talking to Han, I realized that wasn't Paul, but it was someone else altogether. Then I went to talk to my other friend, John, he's dressed like the Joker and, well, I think you can see where I'm going with this, right?" The Wookie thought about going into the convention center and attempt to find his friends, but he wouldn't know the first place to look. The El Monte native added, "I think I might just go back to the motel, but I don't know if a Wookie would give up so quickly."

Rose McGowan Nearly Provides The Lone Highlight Of Comic Con

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/25/08 12:05PM

One could hear a pin drop at the San Diego Comic Con on Thursday as Robert Rodriguez's muse Rose McGowan popped a squat to take a photo. The alabaster-skinned actress saw a group of really cool looking zombies and wanted to take a picture of them. As McGowan began to crouch down, Rodriguez whistled to McGowan to indicate that she was about to flash the crowd. Much to the dismay of the army of virgin attendees, McGowan repositioned herself. One of the geeks shot Rodriguez the evil eye and mumbled under his breath, "Like I was going to waste my time with a remake of Red Sonja, anyway."

STV · 07/24/08 06:00PM

Spike Jonze Wild Things-Watch, Vol. XXIV. Perhaps the City of Ember Blowjob Train was good for something other than fanboy condescension after all: A few of the bloggers on the journey to Comic-Con had a word with Ember producer Gary Goetzman, whose Tom Hanks-owned Playtone shingle is also among the interests behind the forever-delayed Where the Wild Things Are. Goetzman assured his interrogators that the troubled Spike Jonze production, which Warners recently pulled off its upcoming release slate, is coming along just fine; those rumors of a lousy performance by young Max Records and Jonze potentially losing the film are "100% untrue." "I think that Warner Bros.' vision and Spike Jonze's vision may be a little different," Goetzman said, also insisting that Jonze retains final cut. "Warner Bros. has no intention of bringing down the hammer on anyone." Here's hoping they can continue this chat on the Wild Things Train to Comic-Con in 2010. [AICN via Vulture]

All Aboard the 'City of Ember' BJ Train as Fanboys Hit the Rails for Comic-Con

STV · 07/24/08 01:30PM

We're keeping our distance from the large-scale fanboy marketing orgy that is San Diego Comic-Con, in part because we've already got our hands full grappling with Warners' Dark Knight Dark Publicity™ campaign, but also in part because Defamer's frugal travel policy requires hitchhiking for journeys longer than 100 miles [Ed. Note - Sorry STV, the policy has changed to 50 miles — effective immediately]. Sadly, we missed our only other option: The City of Ember train, chartered by Fox and Walden Media on Wednesday to transport select film writers on an all-expenses-paid romp from LA to San Diego. With a junket, of course. And cookies. And a jazz band! And apparently some kind of "loyalty oath" to the fantasy epic's titular metropolis where Bill Murray presides as mayor: "We swear eternal loyalty to our city and to the wisdom that created it. We declare our infinite gratitude..." No shit — with the exception of CHUD editor Devin Faraci's tasteful incest-joke interlude, Fox and Co. are making out brilliantly with MTV, the LA Times and others among the "23 key journalists and bloggers" handpicked to fellate Ember to an early, rousing throb. And nobody is more grateful than the filmmakers, who think unquestionably highly of Ember and its audience:

Yoda-Like Kevin Spacey Praises Quick-Learning 'Jedi Knight Harvey Weinstein'

STV · 07/21/08 01:10PM

Relief swept Defamer HQ today as we can finally close the book on the long, tortured saga of Fanboys, the terminal-cancer by-way-of-Skywalker-Ranch buddy comedy whose scissoring (and presumed dumping) at the hands of Harvey Weinstein provoked such authentic fanboy outrage last spring. But now a press release from Darth Weinstein himself announced that Fanboys will receive a second premiere this week at San Diego ComicCon — now with fans' "extensive feedback" added to the final cut.

mark · 07/30/07 06:21PM

LAT reporter Geoff Boucher on getting jumped at Comic-Con: "'You calling me stupid?" 'No, I'm not.' Then I stopped talking, because my mouth was bleeding. One of his buddies, standing off to my side, cold-cocked me, and the ring on his fist took a chunk out of my face. I never saw it coming. I was at the emergency room until dawn." [LAT Comic-Con Blog]

Mickey Mouse To Kick Two-Pack-A-Day Cancer Stick Habit

mark · 07/25/07 01:40PM

· Disney becomes the first major studio to kowtow to the anti-smoking lobby's crusade against the innocence-corrupting depiction of smoking in films, banning the super-fun, status-conferring activity of enjoying a delicious cigarette from its family films bearing their flagship brand. They'll also "discourage" their Touchstone and Miramax productions from showing the act unless, of course, shooting an actor languidly puffing away on a sexy-stick somehow enhances the vaguely dangerous appeal of their character . [THR]
· As previously rumored, Jim Carrey signs on to star in the Warner Bros. comedy Yes Man, the story of a guy who "aims to change his life by saying yes to absolutely everything that comes his way" (we've already burned off the easy joke about how he's choosing his roles these days), which he hopes to shoot before disappearing into the parts of nearly every character in A Christmas Carol. [Variety]
· Because we must: Variety dares to ask, "Could Lindsay Lohan's troubles affect career?" [Variety]
· Woo-hoo, indeed: Fox has won back the URL from a cybersquatter who was using the address to drive visitors to a site "that included sexually explicit depictions of several characters from The Simpsons," a decision which now forces fans to find graphic images of Chief-Wiggum-on-Comic-Book-Guy action on their own. [THR]
· Beware, comic fans, for the TV networks and studios have colonized this year's Comic-Con. Telling quote from a Warner Bros. TV marketing exec: "It's not just about fans of comicbooks. There are fans there of all kinds of entertainment. And these are people who communicate what they like through blogs and the Internet." [Variety]

Trade Round-Up: Hollywood Takes Annual Nerd-Hunting Trip To San Diego

mark · 07/19/06 03:25PM

· Lost in the sexier story of Nina Jacobson's firing from Disney yesterday is the fact that 650 other employees will be laid off worldwide. Sadly, Disney lacks the resources to let each employee go with a personal phone call during a happy family occasion, so the soon-to-be axed shouldn't get their hopes up about seeing studio executioner Dick Cook's name pop up on their Caller ID [Variety]
Hollywood studios make their annual trip to Comic-Con in San Diego, where they collect nerd souls in exchange for access to sneak previews of various comic-related movie properties. This year, a glimpse of ten seconds of previously unseen Spider-Man 3 footage is expected to net pledges of eternal fealty from over two dozen dungeon masters. [THR, Variety]
Wall Street happily drenches itself in the blood of slaughtered Disney staffers, helping the company's stock price
jumps 4% after news of their layoffs. Mouse House executives today hope to push the stock price as much as 20 % percent higher by announcing their plans to fire every employee on the payroll. [Variety]
NBC teams with Netflix to give users advance DVD previews of new shows Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and Kidnapped, in hopes that viewers will become hooked weeks before the series actually premiere. [THR/AP]
ABC president "Purple" Steve McPherson is happy about all the Emmy attention for Gray's Anatomy, but blue that Lost and Desperate Housewives were slighted by the Academy. [Variety]