
Fox Newser's Comedy Tour Probably Not Coming to Your Town

Ryan Tate · 04/12/09 05:52PM

The shows sound pretty awful. Fox News host Beck told USA Today his live shows are a sort of "poor man's Seinfeld," which would make them conservative shows about nothing. "Conservative" in this context apparently means "not funny, to anyone," judging from the clip at left.

New Bruno Movie Hilarious, Familiar

Richard Lawson · 03/16/09 11:04AM

So say the early reports from a 20-minute screening that played at the SXSW festival in Austin over the weekend. Said a THR reporter: "It's funny deja vu, but it's still deja vu."

'Perfect For Starting a Campfire!'

Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/09 09:48AM

Ha, this parody of the NYT's ad for its "weekender" deal is funny because it's true. Who doesn't love the Politics & Socks section? Note to Times: even aged hipsters are mocking you. Not good.