
MADTV Predicted the iPad Back in 2005

Frank Cozzarelli · 01/27/10 02:35PM

Years ago, MadTV anticipated the jokes we'd be making today about Apple's chosen name for their tablet. "With the new iPad, I can just hook up my Apple to my Peach, and I can download protection for a thousand periods!"

Jay Leno: Scarecrow, Tin Man, or Cowardly Lion?

Matt Cherette · 01/27/10 12:30AM

Historically, Jay Leno hasn't shied away from speaking about his job status. Leno's statements over the last few weeks—full of jokes about NBC, Conan O'Brien and David Letterman—reinforced that characteristic. Recently, however, he's been unusually mum. What gives?

Andy Kaufman on HImself

John Trowbridge · 01/26/10 09:00PM

Andy Kaufman is one of the greatest character actors ever. In this clip Andy tries out something new, being himself. Watch him try out regular stand up material and turn it into something identifiably Kaufman.

Prescott Tolk on Supermarkets

Jon Martin · 01/25/10 09:00PM

One of the big players in the Chicago underground comedy scene, Tolk is poised to break into the mainstream at any moment. Here Tolk discusses the oddities of the average supermarket trip.

Lenny Bruce on "The System

Matt Toder · 01/24/10 09:00PM

Lenny Bruce was one of the earliest comedians to push the boundaries of comedy and the limits of free speech. In this clip from late in his career, he expounds on his legal troubles, religion and the rules.

Leo Allen on Comebacks

David Matthews · 01/23/10 09:00PM

Leo Allen likes to be prepared and thinks you should too. He's compiled a witty comeback to every possible situation under the sun. Write these down in your notebook and you'll never have to search for the perfect retort again.

CoCo's Last Dance: "Hardest Thing I Have Ever Had to Do"

Matt Cherette · 01/23/10 01:00AM

Conan O'Brien just closed out his final episode as host of The Tonight Show, and what a show it was: hilarious shenanigans, Steve Carell, Tom Hanks, Neil Young, a tearful statement of gratitude, and Will Ferrell with a mothereffing cowbell.

Jumping Jacks Lesson Further Befuddles World's Most Uncoordinated Soldier

Frank Cozzarelli · 01/22/10 10:17AM

The LOL platoon is a bit special, and this particular soldier cannot make jumping jacks work today. A slow-motion demonstration by the general only seems to make matters worse, adding further confusion to an increasingly hopeless situation.

Hands and legs together...hands and legs apart. Not happening today. Hopefully it will be a while before this guy is allowed near any live ammunition.

David Cross on McDonalds

Zach Mack · 01/19/10 09:00PM

Most of you probably already know David Cross for his role as the world's first analrapist, Tobias Fünke on Arrested Development. In this stand-up bit he discusses McDonald's gung ho advertising tactics, making money and his non-existent drinking problem.

Eddie Izzard on Languages

Zach Mack · 01/18/10 09:00PM

Transvestite comedian and epic marathoner Eddie Izzard discusses the subtle differences between the way Americans and Brittons speak English and discovers what we knew all along: Brits add all those "u's" to words just so they can win at Scrabble.