
SNL Opens Its Season with a Star-Studded Dream Sequence

Matt Cherette · 09/26/10 02:19AM

SNL returned tonight for its 36th season, and Amy Poehler hosted the premiere. One of the episode's highlights was Poehler's monologue, during which a plethora of guest stars—including Justin Timberlake and TIna Fey—showed up for a dream sequence.

A Modern Guide to Old Timey Comedy

Rebecca O'Neal · 09/25/10 11:00AM

Exploring classic comedy can often feel more like anthropology than entertainment, and today, names like Lenny Bruce are met with vague reverence instead of knowing laughs. Still, some comedy from decades past is as funny now as it ever was.

Jon Stewart on Republicans: Same Sh*t, Different Day

Matt Cherette · 09/23/10 10:26PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart aired a segment about the "Pledge to America" announcement that Republican lawmakers made today, during which they supposedly unveiled new ideas they had for America. By cutting that footage with archived video, however, Stewart called their bluff.

Jon Stewart, on DADT: Our Country Is Run By Assholes

Matt Cherette · 09/22/10 10:28PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart opened with a segment about yesterday's Senate failure to bring to the floor a vote that would have repealed the archaic, discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Stewart asked: are we run by assholes? Indeed! Video inside.

Watch the Cold Open of The Office's Season Premiere

Matt Cherette · 09/22/10 12:03PM

Hey, remember the lip-dub, that Internet meme that nobody really remembers anymore? Well, the cast of The Office remembers! And they've decided to bring it back in a big way, with a lip-dub to open their seventh season. Watch inside.

Stephen Colbert's Awkward Interview with Google CEO Eric Schmidt

Matt Cherette · 09/21/10 11:08PM

Tonight, Stephen Colbert welcomed Google CEO Eric Schmidt to the the Report. While overall pleasant, things did get awkward when the topics of Google's data-mining, as well as Schmidt's "Want privacy? Change your name," remarks, were brought up. Watch inside.

Jon Stewart: There's No Difference Between Republicans and Tea-Baggers

Matt Cherette · 09/20/10 10:27PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart discussed Christine O'Donnell and pointed out a) Karl Rove's criticism of her, and b) Rove's subsequent flip-flip on the issue after pressure from Sarah Palin/others. Then, Stewart blew holes in the "Republicans and Tea-Baggers are different!" argument.

Lost Comedy Pilot: "The Show" No One Ever Saw

Rebecca O'Neal · 09/18/10 11:00AM

As a self-proclaimed comedy nerd, I'm always searching for the obscure, the forgotten, the hilarity lost to time. 1996's The Show starring Paul Giamatti was one such prize.

Josh Ruben on Philip Seymour Hoffman

Sarah Natochenny · 09/17/10 08:00PM

Josh Ruben has his work cut out for him. The much-awaited Jack Goes Boating is opening in select theaters today, marking Hoffman's directorial debut. Josh has a debut of his own... Philip Seymour Hoffman: Impressions of a Satisfied Man.

The Michael Cera School Of Acting Wants You!

Dan Grappone · 09/17/10 09:00AM

So you think you were born to play the role of a mild-mannered teenager looking for love in a Hollywood film, just like Michael Cera? Not so fast. The video inside teaches you the all the tricks of the trade.

Jon Stewart Announces the "Rally to Restore Sanity"

Matt Cherette · 09/16/10 10:27PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart made his long-awaited Daily Show announcement! *Drumroll* It's the "Rally to Restore Sanity," to be held on October 30 in Washington, DC. Inside, video of Stewart's hilarious—and meaningful—bombshell, including a rivalry-filled cameo from Stephen Colbert.

Betty White Runs a Badass Fashion Line

Kate Shapiro · 09/16/10 04:13PM

"Alright, everybody, listen up... I'm Betty F*cking White" is how Betty White begins her promotional video for her new fashion line Made by Betty. Watch famed Golden Girls actress curse and gamble with her employees in this hilarious video.

Jon Stewart on Christine O'Donnell: "The Palin Is Strong in This One"

Matt Cherette · 09/15/10 10:22PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart opined on last night's primary elections. Most notably, he discussed nutjob Christine O'Donnell's victory in the Delaware Senate primary—she's like Sarah Palin, but worse! Then, Stewart and panel hilariously broke it all down. Video inside.