
Tufts University Asks Applicants: “What does #YOLO mean to you?"

Caity Weaver · 07/11/13 05:38PM

Tufts University, a former clown college that rose through the ranks to become one of America's most prestigious safety schools, likes to have fun on its applications. For years, it's been asking prospective students to submit quirky YouTube videos demonstrating how their quirky YouTube videos are better than other applicants' quirky YouTube videos. In 2010, it invited applicants to "create something" out of a sheet of paper. It's fun in the way your old job made you wear a sombrero on your birthday "because we like to have fun here!" It's just really, really fun.

Creationist Astronomy Professor's Class Should Be Easy

Hamilton Nolan · 07/09/13 12:16PM

Ball State University has hired a new astronomy professor: Guillermo Gonzalez, who was denied tenure at his last school because he believes in intelligent design. It's a good ol' time in the science lab, ahoy!

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/13 08:45AM

A new study found that college men who are not in fraternities are actually more likely to have "hypermasculine attitudes and hostility toward women," because frat bros are major pussies.

Look, It's a Good Idea About How to Pay for College

Hamilton Nolan · 07/03/13 03:33PM

Americans are currently drowning in student debt. Debates over this issue tend to descend into arguments over whether college is "worth it." Meanwhile, debt-hobbled graduates scrounge unsuccessfully for living-wage jobs. Oregon has a better idea.

Colleges Are Spending All Their Money on Your Precious Fancy Dorms

Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/13 08:41AM

College, an institution that, like one of those "deluxe" raffle tickets, extracts a hefty fee in exchange for a chance of entry into a higher social class, is very expensive these days. Why? According to one new analysis, it's because of your sniveling need for "nice" dorms and food.

Professor Fired Just for Asking a Female Student to Suck His Dick

Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/13 09:46AM

In the good old days, college students had respect for their elders. But now, it seems, we live in a time when it's considered "okay" for a tenured professor to be dismissed from his job just for suggesting that a student suck his dick. Has political correctness gone too far?

Community Colleges Are Segregated and Unequal

Hamilton Nolan · 05/28/13 10:13AM

More than 40% of American college students are enrolled in a community college. The problems facing community colleges resemble the problems facing public schools more than the problems facing larger universities. In particular, racial segregation and inequality.

Community Colleges Are Getting Screwed Financially

Hamilton Nolan · 05/23/13 11:12AM

As higher education in America grows both more expensive and more necessary (as an entry fee to a middle class life), community colleges— the last affordable path into college— grow more important. But they're not getting any more well-funded. Quite the opposite!

What Should Colleges Invest In?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/13 11:58AM

The precocious and progressive young students of Swarthmore College are currently urging their school to completely rid itself of any investments in fossil fuels. The school pointed out that this move could potentially raise each student's tuition costs by $13,000 per year. Is there any way to make divestment work?

Cord Jefferson · 05/15/13 02:32PM

"Employers plan to hire only 2.1 percent more new college graduates this year than in 2012 ... Last fall they thought the increase would be 13 percent." What a bunch of shiftless layabouts the millennials are.

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/13 03:02PM

"While the college is not commenting on why Ferguson was dismissed, he said it was 'absolutely' related to the student's unorthodox use of a chicken in art."

Universities Exist Primarily to Enrich Football Coaches

Hamilton Nolan · 05/08/13 08:04AM

Our nation's great institutions of higher learning exist for a very clear and noble purpose: to enrich themselves, and, by extension, their football coaches. Data shows that they are pursuing this mission with selfless zeal.

Adam Weinstein · 05/02/13 05:12PM

Ah, Liberty University, where upstanding evangelical students still may not dance on a date, but that boy expelled from his high school for illegally bringing a shotgun onto campus gets a four-year scholarship. Truly, He works in mysterious ways!

Picky Cheater Offers $600 For Solid "Masters Level History" Paper

Ken Layne · 05/01/13 03:48PM

Do you want to make $600 cash by Tuesday? Then get to work on this rich guy's "Masters Level History" papers. We are not talking about a cut-and-paste from Wikipedia here, this guy is a legitimate grad student who needs to learn about World War II by having you write his well-sourced academic papers. "I've done this type of thing before," he writes, "so I am comfortable and experienced with it." What could go wrong?

These Personal Essays Will Get You Into Stanford

Leah Beckmann · 04/24/13 12:00PM

Yesterday, after receiving a link to a Google doc containing several college essays from accepted Columbia applicants (the doc has since been taken down), we pulled the best lines from each essay to create achingly, stunningly movingly powerful personal essays of our own, all guaranteed to get you into Columbia next fall. But maybe you don't want to go to Columbia. Maybe that was our dream for you and not your dream for yourself and instead, you'd rather bleed cardinal red and white like Avatar's Sigourney Weaver and Space's astronaut William Fisher. Maybe you'd rather attend Stanford University. Hey, no problem— we received an anonymous tip last night from someone claiming to have 100 or so Common App and Stanford Supplement essay for the Class of 2016.

This Personal Essay Will Get You Into Columbia

Leah Beckmann · 04/23/13 02:28PM

By now, most high school seniors planning to attend college in the fall have selected their chosen institute of higher education. It’s an exciting time for you, Wildcats '13, and you probably have some questions about your future. Such as, who will I meet? What clubs will I join? What if my roommate only wants to stay in the room eating cold cuts and watching Moesha re-runs? Will I decide to buy a body pillow from Bed Bath and Beyond? (Yes, besides being extremely comfortable body pillows are an excellent way to block you from other people's booger walls). In an effort to get to know each other a little better before the fall rolls around, several members of Columbia University’s future class of 2017 uploaded their college application essays into a shared Google doc. That Google doc, which contains 70 essays that either answer the Columbia essay prompt or the Common app prompt, was then shared with us. And now with you.