
Assault on Unions Comes to... Massachusetts?

Jim Newell · 04/28/11 12:59PM

Massachusetts, the liberal hellhole run by a Democratic governor and two Democratic legislative chambers, is the latest, most surprising state to pick a fight with public employees' unions over collective bargaining rights.

Huge Wisconsin Proxy Election Is Too Close to Call

Jim Newell · 04/06/11 01:04PM

The pro-union forces in Wisconsin aren't quitting after the huge standoff between Republican Gov. Scott Walker and Senate Democrats earlier this year over a plan to eliminate collective bargaining rights for unionized public employees. Walker eventually won, but at a high cost to his and really any Wisconsin Republican's standing. Union supporters have stayed mobilized and are hoping to recall up to eight Republican state senators later this year, after all. But the first big test of their organized might came last night in a Wisconsin Supreme Court election for Chief Justice, the type of off-calendar race that few would usually give a crap about. And now it's too close to call.

Judge Blocks Wisconsin's Collective Bargaining Law

Jim Newell · 03/18/11 12:28PM

Judge Maryann Sumi of Dane County, Wisconsin has blocked the state's infamous bill eliminating most collective bargaining rights for public employees from taking effect, at least temporarily. The question is whether the Republican leaders violated the state's open meetings law when they sneakily passed an amended version of the bill in a matter of minutes last week.

What Happens Next in Wisconsin?

Jim Newell · 03/10/11 02:19PM

Wisconsin's 14 Democratic senators appear to be returning home from Illinois, where they've spent the last three weeks in exile to deny Gov. Scott Walker a vote on his union-busting "budget repair bill" — which passed last night using non-budget rules and under questionable legality.

Now Indiana's Democrats Are Fleeing

Jim Newell · 02/22/11 03:19PM

Indiana's Republican legislature tried to pass a major anti-union bill this morning, as is the hot new trend. It would have passed. But thanks to the Wisconsin example, Indiana's Democrats knew how to respond and have fled the state to deny Republicans a quorum for a vote. They're either in Illinois or Kentucky because, as the Indianapolis Star explains, they "need to go to a state with a Democratic governor to avoid being taken into police custody and returned to Indiana." This gets more fun by the day. Aren't you having fun? Well, in any case.