Old People Now Living in Sin Also
Hamilton Nolan · 10/18/12 03:43PM
When we hear about unmarried young couples living together in sin, we're like "Sure, kids these days are living in sin, rejecting god, and fornicating nightly in Lucifer's glory, what else is new?" But now we hear that older couples are also living together in sin. Aren't you older couples old enough to know the teachings of Jesus, about not living in sin?
Science Proves: Marriage Is Dead
Hamilton Nolan · 03/02/10 12:49PMSasquatch Doesn't Love Patrick: A 'Wife Swap' Spinoff Is Born
Seth Abramovitch · 01/10/08 08:55PM
Not everything in the bold sociological experiment known as Wife Swap always goes smoothly: Take for example last night's arranged-marriage lab rats, Patrick (according to his name tag) and temporary spouse, uh, Sasquatch—she of the man-hands and unrealistic household-cleanliness goals. Frankly, we don't know who Sasquatch thinks she is, waltzing into Patrick's perfectly lovely, catshit-laden home and demeanoring him by insisting he dispose of the feline feces.