
Your Chef Is On Drugs

cityfile · 07/22/09 10:43AM

The chef in this picture could be mixing some flour. But he could also be using the bowl to store his supply of coke. According to Jason Sheehan, a former chef and food writer, the odds that your next restaurant meal "will be prepared by someone on drugs" is "very high," since "cooks and coke go together like salt and pepper." It's not something they can help, mind you. Chefs are hard-wired to be coke fiends, Sheehan says, since "being a cook or a chef means being in the pleasure business," and is "the sort of person who has a yen for experimentation and excess." So if you're looking for ways to curry favor at your favorite restaurant, bringing a key of coke with you might not be such a bad idea. [TDB]

Finally, the Models Catch a Break

The Cajun Boy · 07/16/09 08:43PM

Life sucks. Everyone knows this. Of course, life sucks most for the models. All those castings and photo shoots and cocaine-fueled orgies and whatnot! How do they do it?! Well, things are finally looking up, thanks to the "Model Lounge."

The UN Finally Useful

Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/09 04:10PM

"Worldwide, (cocaine) prices range from $2 a gram in Panama to over $300 in New Zealand, according to the UN's World Drug Report." The UN further reports that Mexico got that sticky-icky and that candyflipping in Bulgaria is fun. [Economist]

Your 2008 Cocaine Report

Hamilton Nolan · 06/19/09 02:17PM

Cocaine production in Colombia was down 28% last year. Production was up in Peru and Bolivia—but only 430 metric tons of that classic Colombian powder. Probable culprit: all those canceled Wall Street Christmas parties.

NYC's Coke Dealers Remain Unmatched

cityfile · 05/12/09 09:55AM

If you're planning a wild weekend in London in the near future, you may not want to indulge in any casual drug use while you're there. Not only has the price of cocaine skyrocketed in Europe in recent months, it's also the least pure it's been in years, as drug dealers stretch their supplies by mixing in the cancer-causing drug phenacetin, cockroach insecticide, and "pet worming powder." On the flip side, this means swarms of Eurotrash will continue to make New York City home to their coke-fueled escapades. But at least our drug dealers won't need a government bailout and that's good news, right? [BBC]

Cocaine Going to Hell Like Everything Else

Hamilton Nolan · 05/12/09 09:03AM

The recession wants you to stop doing coke, Sniffy Smith. In Europe, at least, coke prices are up, purity is down, and you've spent half your paycheck on a bag that's 91% "pet worming powder."

Stupid Cokehead Toys

Hamilton Nolan · 05/01/09 02:09PM

Have you always wished you had an iPhone app that made it look like you were sniffing coke off your phone? Now you have one. Happy Friday, you broke bastard. [The iSnort]

Cokey Coeds Corralled by Creepy Club Cops

Hamilton Nolan · 03/30/09 08:32AM

A few months ago two Fashion Institute of Technology students were arrested for dealing coke, and they laughed about it, and were subsequently crucified in the tabloids. Now they're blaming hardworking, cock-referencing undercover police!

Was VP's Daughter Caught on Tape Doing Coke?

Owen Thomas · 03/29/09 12:00PM

Someone tried to sell a videotape they claimed showed Ashley Biden, daughter of VP Joe Biden, to the New York Post for $250,000. Political payback, or just another tale of politicians' kids gone wild?

Cocaine Now Cheaper Than Ever

cityfile · 02/19/09 10:36AM

Need some positive news about the global economy today? Happy to help. It seems the price of cocaine in Europe is falling fast "as smugglers use new routes through West Africa and the Balkans," according to the United Nations. Have a safe flight! [BBC via DBTH]