
Cobra Bites Man Aboard Commercial Flight in Egypt

Taylor Berman · 12/05/12 12:13AM

Earlier this week, an Egypt Air flight from Cairo to Kuwait was forced to make an emergency landing after a cobra bit a passenger. The snakebit man was reportedly a Jordanian reptile dealer who'd smuggled the poisonous snake aboard.

40 Cobras a Surefire Way to Get Your Government's Attention

Seth Abramovitch · 12/05/11 12:00AM

An angry snake charmer from India named Hakkal had his "99 percent" moment when bureaucrats at the Government Land Registry Office refused to process his land-request application. So Hakkal took matters into his own hands: He dumped three sacks full of 40 venomous snakes, including cobras, into the office. The scene was captured in the video above, and shows government workers shooing away the hissing snakes with fabric as the deadly reptiles slid onto chairs and desks. And miraculously — unlike the OWS protests — no one was bitten! [ via Telegraph]

Famous Bronx Zoo Cobra Now Has a Name

Adrian Chen · 04/07/11 01:50PM

For the past few days, the Bronx Zoo has been running a poll to come up with a name for the cobra that went missing from the reptile exhibit and was found, still in the reptile exhibit, alive and well. Voters have spoken, and the snake will be called "Mia." Charming.