Leonardio DiCaprio's Best Summer Ever never ended, apparently. The cargo-shorted, "newly single" actor has been living it up in Miami this past week for Art Basel, and on Saturday night, he reportedly took home 20 human women from the club.
This particular battle started, as all great struggles do, when one participant became angry that his bedroom was being illuminated by headlights from a car in the street. He expressed his displeasure with the man in the car with "a wooden club," at which point things got weird:
Mel Gibson gets dropped by his talent agency. Ryan Seacrest picks up the tab. Lindsay Lohan won't be able to smoke in prison. James Franco dishes on fake sex with Julia Roberts. Saturday's gossip roundup looks like a Vegas Whore.
So some RNC people got in trouble for using RNC money to pay for their strap-ons to be sharpened or whatever. But it turns out this was just an honest, pathetic attempt at reaching out to young people!