
Close Encounters of the Steve Jobs Kind (Part 3)

Ryan Tate · 04/06/10 10:53AM

It would appear we've giving people flashbacks: Readers are still sending us their Steve Jobs sightings. According to the latest batch, the Apple CEO detests a certain partner company, hangs with Larry Ellison and refuses special hospital blankets.

A Treasure Trove of Steve Jobs Stories

Ryan Tate · 03/31/10 01:30PM

Yesterday we asked readers about their run-ins with Steve Jobs, and they delivered. The Apple CEO is quietly ubiquitous, seen from Palo Alto to SoHo, from Whole Foods to Gotham catwalks, a shaggy-dressing crazy driver who's kind to strangers.

How Steve Jobs Behaves in Public

Ryan Tate · 03/30/10 12:36PM

Steve Jobs handles public encounters with a mixture of brazenness and celebrity caution, according to people who sent us stories about their run-ins with the Apple CEO. Read their tales—and send us yours—below.