
When Sarah Palin Met Her Clone

Seth Abramovitch · 06/02/11 11:23PM

Q. How many Sarah Palins does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A. Two! One to wander around the country devouring babies indiscriminately on a large-scale media-whoring expedition, and another to confront the first on a Boston street corner with vaguely threatening intimations that this meeting won't be their last. (Oh, and "one of her guys" to actually change the bulb.) [Video via Hardball]

Yahoo Suggestions get indiggestion

Chris Mohney · 02/15/07 09:40AM

Yahoo launched their "swanky new community-based recipe for collecting feedback" yesterday, naming the baby Yahoo Suggestions. Tis Digg-like indeed, and Diggers are none too happy about the similarities. Missing is the ability to be negative — you can vote for a suggestion, but not against. Anyway, the angry Digglers are converging in the Autos board, as it was the first to go live. Their posts are getting trashed rather quickly, but you can still catch the tail end of the train wreck.