I Can't Stop Watching the Best Vines of 2013
Neetzan Zimmerman · 12/31/13 10:35AMVines: Those perfectly distilled six-second bites of Internet.
Vines: Those perfectly distilled six-second bites of Internet.
"It is almost an official duty of an Action Hero to deliver sardonic one-liners," says TV Tropes.
Here's a fun drinking game: Every time a character sips a drink in this supercut of all the drinking scenes from the last five seasons of Mad Men, take a shot.
There is no denying cats have had an amazing run on the Internet these last few years.
Memes! There are so many of them. Where did they all come from?
Aaron Sorkin's proclivity for self-plagiarism is fairly well established.
Here are a bunch of clips from different movies strung together to create one full and perfect version of Journey's "Don't Stop Believing," because Tuesdays suck and I can tell you desperately need this.