
The WSJ Acknowledges Existence of Global Warming…With Style Advice

Jasper Reardon · 09/14/08 08:12AM

Do you ever wonder how to dress for the coming clima(c)tic apocalypse? Fear not. This week, WSJ fashion reporter Teri Agins answered urgent questions from fashion-minded readers. When one fretting citizen wrote in wondering what Agins thought "of the 'rule' on not wearing white after Labor Day," she thoughtfully responded:

An energy debate brought to you by BP

Jackson West · 08/21/08 04:40PM

We don't need any energy technology breakthrough to solve the climate-change problem. At least, that's the Tthesis posited by The Economist in a debate sponsored by everyone's favorite multinational oil company, British Petroleum Beyond Petroleum. The ayes are having it so far. Joseph Romm from the Center for American Progress takes the pro, Peter Meisen of the Global Energy Network Institute takes the con, and Earth2Tech's Katie Fehrenbacher argues the corollary for conservation through increased efficiency.