
7-11 Clerk Robbed, Stuffed in Freezer

Max Read · 10/23/11 04:53PM

Working at a 7-11 during a robbery is a pretty frightening and humiliating experience. Even more humiliating is when the robbers lock you in a freezer afterward.

NYC Bodega Owners Want Gun Permits After Shootings

Jeff Neumann · 10/29/10 05:17AM

The president of the Bodega Association of the United States, Ramon Murphy is urging store owners in New York to apply for gun permits after a clerk was killed in a robbery attempt on Saturday. Sounds like a bad idea.

The Top 7 Cinematic Fashion Trends We're Glad Didn't Set Hollywood Ablaze

Molly Friedman · 02/20/08 05:38PM

The perfectly coiffed folks over at Men's Vogue decided to put together a very thorough list of the top 50 films that had the "most impact on men's style" when they came out. And their choices (The Graduate and Easy Rider among them) are certainly worthy of mention, but all that superior dressage got us wondering: which style trends should we be most thankful for NOT catching on? From Dante's distressed flannel in Clerks to those infamous white codpieces in A Clockwork Orange, we present a list of our Top 7 least favorite male fashion trends to ever disgrace the silver screen: