
ACLU Sues Baton Rouge Police Over Response to Alton Sterling Protests

Hudson Hongo · 07/13/16 07:56PM

On Wednesday, the ACLU of Louisiana and four other groups filed a lawsuit against the City of Baton Rouge, its police department and several other area law enforcement agencies, accusing authorities of violating the constitutional rights of protesters demonstrating against the shooting of Alton Sterling. About 200 marchers have been arrested in Baton Rouge since Sterling was killed by police last week, reports.

Meet Miami Gardens, The Stop-And-Frisk Capital of America

Adam Weinstein · 05/29/14 01:40PM

New York's arrest-free search policies are well known. Less well known is the Florida city that's used quotas to stop and frisk 11-year-old boys and centenarian retirees—56,922 people in all, half the population. A new investigation finds how deep Miami Gardens' excesses really go.

Adam Weinstein · 05/12/14 12:18PM

Will transgender Americans get to serve openly in the military soon? Very possibly, yeah.

Adam Weinstein · 04/29/14 02:01PM

A Virginia reporter FOIAed any automatic license-plate reader data the local cops might have collected on her. The results were chilling, and possibly illegal: "The police know exactly where my car has been—and when—during the past few months."

Adam Weinstein · 04/29/14 12:27PM

Researchers are feverishly working on a "GPS bullet" that cops could shoot at your car, attaching itself to the chassis and helping law enforcement track your vehicle's movements. Don't worry, the ACLU is... not entirely against it? Hrmm.

Homeland Security Wants a Nationwide License Plate Tracking System

Adam Weinstein · 02/19/14 10:25AM

Good news: Uncle Sam's terrorist-watchin' lawmen would like a database that shows the whereabouts of every car with a license plate that's recently been scanned by a government tag reader. Does that freak you out? Here's better news: They want a private contractor to run it.

Adam Weinstein · 01/23/14 12:02PM

An Amish family that fled their Ohio home to keep the state from sending their 11-year-old leukemia-sickened daughter to chemotherapy is now seeking an injunction against the government, saying the First Amendment protects the family's right to refuse her treatment.

Adam Weinstein · 01/17/14 11:36AM

President Obama's much-anticipated speech about NSA surveillance reforms is going on now, and he's threading a tiny needle: cheerleading the agency's achievements, while vowing to end its mass-collections of phone records.

Israelis Hate Being Called Nazis, So They're Banning the Word "Nazi"

Adam Weinstein · 01/16/14 09:37AM

Call Israelis "the strongest democrats in the Middle East." Call them complex and fractious. Call them militarized tools with racist streaks who expand their territory at the expense of peoples they consider inferior. Only don't call them Nazis, because they will totally throw you in jail!

Court Orders Yelp to Reveal Anonymous Reviewers' Identities

Adam Weinstein · 01/09/14 04:40PM

In a case that might have First Amendment consequences and will certainly strike fear in the hearts of anonymous trolls, a Virginia appeals court upheld a contempt ruling against Yelp, demanding that it release the identities of seven reviewers whom a carpet cleaner intends to sue for defamation.

Here's How the Local Cops Are Spying on Your Cellphones

Adam Weinstein · 12/09/13 12:40PM

Dozens of law enforcement agencies across 33 states are quietly using new technologies to dump phone records and fix thousands of individuals' locations, identities, and activities at a time, using existing cellphone towers and phony cellphone signals, according to a new investigative report.