
Cirque du Soleil Acrobat Falls to Her Death During Show Finale

Caity Weaver · 07/01/13 01:04PM

A 31-year-old Cirque du Soleil acrobat plummeted 50 feet to her death on Saturday during the finale scene of the company's Kà show at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. Hers is believed to be the first stage death in Cirque du Soleil's nearly 30 year history.

Kate Middleton Had the 31st-est Birthday Ever (at Cirque du Soleil)

Caity Weaver · 01/10/13 07:38PM

Sounds like Cathy Middleton and her husband Bill had a real nice time for her birthday the other night. They and Cathy's parents and her brother and sister all went and saw that circus—what's that circus? It's like a French circus. Circus du Soleil. Canadian, I guess, you know the one I mean.

As Promised, Mila Kunis Hits Up Marine Ball

Max Read · 11/20/11 12:12PM

Mila Kunis finally gets her Marine Ball. Prince Harry is still partying in Las Vegas (and going to Cirque Du Soleil). Tareq Salahi is suing Michaele Salahi and Neal Schon for inscrutable reasons. Sunday gossip looks like an alien.

It's A Lot More Nuanced Than Crash, We Promise

Richard Lawson · 10/23/08 01:43PM

[Performers in the new Cirque Du Soleil show 'Wintuk' during a sneak preview today at Madison Square Garden; image via Getty] Colonel Mustard's new line beats the original, American Racial Profiling Problem Deftly Explored By French Canadian Circus Performers.