
LAPD Suspect Christopher Dorner May Have Had Help in Trying to Escape to Mexico

Cord Jefferson · 02/12/13 02:20PM

As LA's killer cop manhunt drags into its sixth day, police are learning ever more about Christopher Dorner, the man suspected of killing three people and wounding two others on a revenge mission against the LAPD. Dorner apparently purchased scuba gear two days before allegedly killing his first two victims, and police now believe him to be using burner cellphones to maintain contact with friends and allies. What's more, one of those allies tried to help Dorner flee to Mexico, according to new criminal charges filed in US District Court late last week.

No, Christopher Dorner Is Not the First Target for Drones on U.S. Soil

Cord Jefferson · 02/11/13 05:55PM

National security pundit Glenn Greenwald has an interesting thought experiment in the Guardian today that asks whether Christopher Dorner, the LAPD's suspected "killer cop," should be targeted for drone strike the way other terrorists are in Pakistan and beyond. But while Greenwald's comparisons between foreign and domestic drone attacks work as a fun intellectual pursuit, it's worth noting that, despite what many news outlets are saying, the use of drones in capturing Dorner seems mostly to be a lot of of hype.

The Alleged Killer Cop Sent a Weird 'Exonerating' Package to Anderson Cooper Last Week

Cord Jefferson · 02/07/13 07:05PM

Christopher Dorner, the alleged killer ex-cop currently being hunted—sometimes poorly—by the LAPD, reportedly mailed a package to CNN's Anderson Cooper that arrived last week, on February 1. Cooper's assistant opened the package and found inside two smaller parcels: One was a souvenir medallion sometimes given out by LA Police Chief William Bratton. The medallion had been damaged by bullet holes and a note attached to it read, "Thanks but no thanks, Will Bratton." The second parcel was a DVD ostensibly containing an interview with Christopher Gettler, the schizophrenic man Dorner claimed a fellow officer kicked unnecessarily during an arrest in 2007. Dorner was later fired after an LAPD board ruled his allegations were false and refused to give weight to the ill Gettler's testimony. But in the manifesto he posted to Facebook earlier this week, Dorner wrote, "During this [LAPD Board of Rights] hearing a video was played for the ... panel where Christopher Gettler stated that he was indeed kicked by Officer Evans." On the DVD, Dorner had written, "Chris Dorner Exoneration."

LAPD Shooting Innocents in Incompetent Manhunt for Killer Cop

Cord Jefferson · 02/07/13 11:38AM

Two women delivering newspapers in Torrance on Thursday morning were shot by Los Angeles police officers searching for Christopher Jordan Dorner, the ex-LAPD officer allegedly on a revenge killing spree over his 2009 firing from the force. A third person who filmed the shooting is also said to have been shot