
Twitter, the Whiner's Best Friend!

Owen Thomas · 03/17/09 04:04PM

Want to complain about someone? Media people who love to whine, from L.A. to Austin to Washington, all turn to Twitter to air their beefs. Gripes from a Ryan Seacrest wordsmith and others today:

Do You Cry, or Do You Just Twitter?

Owen Thomas · 03/04/09 05:35PM

Blue? Just read Twitter, and you'll feel better. Jimmy Fallon's producer cried from fatigue. So did a Gizmodo blogger. An ABC news guy's biggest accomplishment? Going to the DMV. The sad life of Twitteronians:

John McCain Doesn't Know How to Manage a Beaver

Owen Thomas · 02/27/09 04:31PM

Oh, Twitter! Even senators say the darnedest things on the dynamic compendium of Internet users' stupidest thoughts. "How does one manage a beaver?" asked John McCain mid-pork tirade. More tweets that left us speechless: