
Did the GOP Invite the Wrong Chris Cox to Their Convention?

Hudson Hongo · 07/19/16 08:37PM

Tuesday evening, chief NRA lobbyist Chris Cox appeared at the Republican National Convention to speak about guns, guns and guns, which was kind of strange, really, given the night’s official theme was “Make America Work Again.”

Story On Perils Of Rumors Filled With Rumors

Ryan Tate · 07/14/08 07:49PM

How many named sources do you think the Wall Street Journal used in its story on the SEC's crackdown on stock market rumormongering? One: the SEC. And how many anonymous sources? Twelve or more, it looks like, including "a senior official" at the SEC, "people close to the firm" Lehman Brothers, a "person familiar with the matter" and several sets of "people familiar with the matter." Of course, it's impossible to know how many of these citations are the same person appearing multiple times, so the actual number of anonymous sources could be lower. And, to be sure (*cough*), the SEC is ostensibly cracking down only on people who knowingly spreading false rumors for financial gain, which the Journal isn't doing. Further, most reporters consider their anonymously-sourced journalism a step or two above rumors. But if the SEC is going to investigate how some companies profit from derogatory rumors, shouldn't it also look into profit from positive gossip? Stuff like this, from the Journal: