
Walk Of Fame Spider-Man May Be Too Sexy For The Hollywood Tourist Crowd

mark · 11/12/07 05:13PM

Somehow finding the one red-costumed individual in this city patrolling a sidewalk in front of a Hollywood landmark with no interest in discussing the WGA strike, Defamer videographer Molly McAleer enjoyed a brief chat with the Chinese Theatre's Reasonably Passable, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, inviting the Polaroid-proferring hero to share his origin story.

Clooney, Pitt, And Damon Achieve Hollywood Tourist Trap Immortality

mark · 06/05/07 08:45PM

· Can't three Hollywood buddies pose for some photos on their knees without people taking cheap shots at the nature of their friendship anymore?
· That's right, ladies: Larry David is back on the market. And as for the guys, Laurie David's got to be worth at least $100 million (assuming Larry didn't have her sign a Massey prenup), so bone up on your environmentally savvy pick-up lines (the one about checking out the back seat of your Prius is a classic) and get to work.
· E! Online details the hidden dangers of your innocent searches for photos of Britney Spears' vagina.
· Though he finds Judd Apatow cuddly, Peter Bart isn't buying the Knocked Up hype. Is the cantankerous Var chief's heart made of stone?


mark · 10/24/05 03:08PM

The WSJ has updated its story on Shake-Me-Down Elmo and the Hole in the Boulevard Gang to include this amazing reader-submitted photo of the LAPD's dramatic Elmo/Mr. Incredible sting operation. These grisly, public beheadings are sure to serve as a powerful deterrent the next time Painfully Skinny Spider-Man and his toady, SpongeBob DirtyPants, think about helping themselves to a tourist's wallet.

Shake-Me-Down Elmo And The Hole-In-The-Boulevard Gang

mark · 10/24/05 12:04PM

The sidewalk in front of the Chinese Theater may seem like a Tinseltown paradise where delighted visitors cavort with shabby versions of their favorite movie characters, posing for no-strings-attached pictures with Batmen and Charlie Chaplins before returning to measuring their extremities against the Chinese's world-famous concrete monuments ("Mommy, Tom Cruise's hands are the same size as mine!"). But this is Hollywood, after all, and things are rarely as innocent as they appear. Concerned that many of these characters were shaking down tourists for tips, the LAPD called a Starving Superhero Summit to lay down the law, and when the super-behavior didn't improve, the cops went deep undercover: