
"Fuck Chinatown!": San Francisco Tour Guide Goes on Racist Rant

Jay Hathaway · 10/23/14 08:26AM

On her last day at her job leading bus tours of San Francisco, one woman decided she could no longer hold back her honest (racist) views about the city's Chinatown. Some German tourists took video of the whole thing—it's not clear if they were among the cheering tour guests who apparently thought the guide made some salient (racist) points.

Firefighters Rescue Bloodied Woman From Cleaver-Wielding Husband in the Middle of NYC's Chinatown

Taylor Berman · 02/25/13 12:15AM

There was a gruesome scene Sunday morning in Manhattan's Chinatown after a man attacked his wife with a meat cleaver, causing critical injuries before nearby firefighters came to the woman's rescue. The unidentified 28-year-old attacker was pulling his wife down a busy street when two New York City firefighters, Jose Ortiz and James Trainor, spotted the pair from their firehouse and attempted to intervene.

The Hilarious Reason a Chinatown Butcher Admitted to Selling Dog Meat

Brian Moylan · 11/04/11 03:34PM

A reporter from a CBS affiliate in Minnesota walks into a Chinatown butcher. No, this isn't the start of the joke, but what happened was unintentionally hilarious. The owner of the butcher shop isn't laughing, because he just had to fend off charges he was selling dog meat.

Page Six Gets NYC Nightlife Wrong

Jeff Neumann · 10/31/10 11:56AM

The post-Richard Johnson era Page Six today has an item about Chinatown's Santos Party House being shut down over the "criminal sale or possession of controlled substances" inside the club. Too bad they ran a picture of the wrong guys!

All Your Suspicions About Chinatown: Confirmed

cityfile · 12/15/09 08:28AM

If you've been wondering which Manhattan neighborhood has the most/least roaches, mice, and rats—and who hasn't, really?—you're in luck. Thanks to the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, all that data can now be viewed online. [Brick Underground]

Your Holiday Shopping Just Got Pricier

cityfile · 12/08/09 01:31PM

If, like any devoted son or daughter, you were planning to buy your mom a fake Louis Vuitton bag for Christmas and pass it off as the real thing, you may now need to make other arrangements. The NYPD staged a raid on counterfeiters on Canal Street earlier today and shut down 30 storefronts that were selling fake bags, watches, and wallets, and perfume. [WABC, NBC]

Hipster Wrath Implosion Destroys Robots

Josh · 04/19/07 02:37PM

Last week's convergence of beer, hipsters and destructive tendencies at 196 Grand left porcelain toilets shattered, windows broken and four men in jail. Its legacy has not only been marked in dented drywall, videos and an unreasonable amount of Gawker posts but also in mysterious phone calls. Apparently some dude who goes by the name Tony Robots has been receiving phone calls from the NYPD about the property; they seem to think he's the owner. Soon Mr. Robots was fielding calls from real estate agents who also think Domo Arigato Mr. Robots is the owner. Trouble is Mr. Robots isn't. And so he did what any man with the last name Robots would do in that situation: he Asked Metafilter.

Hipster Riot-Party Really A Sexy-Dance Party

josh · 04/18/07 10:14AM

Despite the shattered toilet, the holes in the dry wall and the culino-urinary display, it seems our coverage of the Chinatown Hipster Riot Party missed at least one salient fact. That salient fact was pointed out to us by none other than the man behind the CHRP, "The Tux," who writes:

Raging Hipsters Document Parties Well

Joshua Stein · 04/17/07 02:14PM

If there is one thing hipsters like doing above and beyond destroying property, it's documenting themselves destroying property. Saturday night's hipster wrath party, documented in these pages yesterday, provided the perfect opportunity to preserve the partyer's youthful exuberance on tape for a later date.

Hipster Party-Riot In Chinatown

josh · 04/16/07 04:39PM

This Saturday as a Nor'easter loosed its silken lashes onto the window panes of sodden New Yorkers, a rowdy crowd of hipsters gathered in a vacant building in Chinatown to relive the heady frisson of the early aughts. Apparently, the building—196 Grand St.—is slated for demolition and condofication. A text message shot through the night saying, "carnage party at midnight." By the appointed hour, destruction and irony commingled in the air around the three-story walkup on Grand between Mott and Mulberry. According to an attendee, "An endless stream of hipsters with forty ounces of St. Ives St. Ides" began to filter in. Soon the place was packed. Lampshades were worn on heads (see photographic evidence). Neckface was there. And then, chaos.

Remainders: George Michael, Master of Cruising

Jessica · 07/24/06 06:00PM

• We really ARE overdue for a George Michael assfucking scandal, aren't we? Don't worry, it's about to get much better: the former pop star was caught having a "seedy liason" in a public park with the hot piece of twat pictured at right. 58-year-old unemployed van drivers who live with their cat sure are irresistible, aren't they? [Sun UK]
• Tomorrow Russell Simmons will be named a U.N. Goodwill Ambassador, putting him on the well-worn path to becoming Angelina Jolie. Perhaps he's splitting with Kimora over whether or not to adopt an Ethiopian AIDS orphan. [FishbowlNY]
• You know what's wrong with magazine publishing? The people who are running it, specifically those at the Magazine Publisher's Association who believe a mascot named Captain Read is going to do a goddamned thing other than inspire mockery and ensure irrelevancy. [AdAge]
• Though we wouldn't put it past Simon Dumenco to hook up with Cap'n Read. [AdAge]
• Conde Nast will master these internets yet, even if it means going the route of incredibly boring trade sites. [Craigslist]
• Is somene pushing a Times-ian frenzy surrounding the raising admission fee for the Met? At the current rate, they'll churn out 60 pieces by November, which will almost be enough to satisfy Bill Keller. [Seth Mnookin]
• It doesn't matter how fantastic a "trailer" for a book may be, because it'll never half as good as the trailer for Snakes on a Plane. That's just a fact. [Guardian]
• Greg Gutfeld's still life with Arianna Huffington. [HuffPo]
• Dallas Mavericks bloggy freakshow Mark Cuban has an open job offer for anyone who can think of a new way to market movies. On the downside, you'll be working for Mark Cuban. [Blog Maverick]
Who Wore It Best? — crotchety Sun Valley mogul edition! [WSJ]
• Why does the Regal Union Square movie theater smell like Chinatown on a simmering July afternoon? [Cinecultist]