
Report: Chelsea Manning Hospitalized After Attempted Suicide at Fort Leavenworth Prison

J.K. Trotter · 07/06/16 10:15AM

TMZ is reporting that Army private and WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning was hospitalized yesterday after prison officials at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, discovered Manning attempting to kill herself. An unnamed prison official told TMZ that Manning is being “monitored.” An unnamed source also told the site that Manning “tried to hang herself.”

Happy Birthday, Chelsea Manning

Hamilton Nolan · 12/17/14 05:20PM

This week marked the 27th birthday of Chelsea Manning, the U.S. military whistleblower who currently sits in prison for leaking material to Wikileaks. Here are some birthday wishes for her from people who have spent time in similar circumstances.

Chelsea Manning to Begin Gender Treatment While in Prison

Aleksander Chan · 07/17/14 08:50PM

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has approved gender treatment for WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning's gender dysphoria. Manning will be treated while she serves her 35 year prison sentence for leaking national security documents. The decision comes after the Army was denied by the Bureau of Prisons a request to transfer Manning from the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to a civilian prison where she could receive better treatment.

Chelsea Manning’s Attorney: She Didn’t Get a Fair Trial

J.K. Trotter · 03/27/14 10:33AM

Rhode Island attorney David Coombs, who for the past four years has represented WikiLeaks source and Army Private First Class Chelsea Manning, said on Wednesday evening that his client did not receive a fair trial for multiples charges of espionage and theft against the U.S. military.

Daily Beast Is Optimistic That Chelsea Manning Will Enjoy Prison Rape

Rich Juzwiak · 08/22/13 04:30PM

Now that Wikileaks leaker Chelsea Manning is out as transgender, she's fair game for porno slash-fic about all the dick she can look forward to receiving in prison — or so suggests an essay that ran earlier today on the Daily Beast titled "How Will Chelsea Manning Be Treated in Prison?" Its author, Mansfield Frazier, served five federal prison terms for counterfeiting and fraud, so he knows all about gay and trans sex amongst inmates.

What the Media Owes to Bradley Manning

Hamilton Nolan · 08/22/13 10:42AM

Yesterday, former U.S. soldier Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking classified U.S. government documents to Wikileaks. Journalists and news outlets owe Manning more than gratitude. We owe her the truth: in a just world, we'd be in the cell next to her.