Charticle of the Hour: Young San Francisco, Don't Tell Me No Lies
Young Manhattanite · 02/28/10 04:30PMCharticle of the Hour: Man Serene Divide, and the Whispering Retweet Within
Young Manhattanite · 02/28/10 02:45PMNetflix: Manhattan Mostly Occupied by Gays and Self-Loathing Alcoholics
Foster Kamer · 01/10/10 12:00PMThe Two Thousands Reduced to Icons
Gabriel Snyder · 12/28/09 10:43AMBoston 'Globe' Not Afraid to be Servicey
Pareene · 06/17/08 12:11PMEast Village EU v. Brussels EU
Joshua Stein · 04/11/07 11:27AM
When New York Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni walked into the troubled East Village restaurant EU recently, he entered a fractious arena, one rife with history, short on harmony and big with promise. Beset by liquor license woes, chef woes, a flood, EU seemed born under a bad sign. But with a new chef and all liquored up, EU was emerging finally from its dark period and the question on everybody's mind was: Would Bruni stick a no-star nail into the coffin? He didn't. Brundle, in a rather generous review today, hailed chef Akhatar Nawab's menu but bemoaned the general unevenness of the experience, "its atmosphere can be infectiously lively or insufferably chaotic." So Bruni one-starred it. But how does EU the restaurant compare to its namesake, The European Union?