
Michael Arrington: Gossip blogs are a "trainwreck"

Jordan Golson · 03/10/08 02:00PM

Charlie Rose brought the man he called "kingmaker of new technology startups" onto his show last week. The kingmaker told Rose that tech gossip blogs like Valleywag —ok he didn't actually name us, but we knew who he was talking about — are a "trainwreck." Quote: "Silicon Valley, I believe, we're all geeks. We're not ready for this kind of attention where, literally, people are taking pictures of the inside of your house." But then why did we invent the camera phone?

Back when Barry Diller was full of bright ideas

Nicholas Carlson · 02/15/08 12:20PM

The argument goes that IAC chairman Barry Diller is battling with John Malone over control of the company because he's never been the visionary he claims to be. Odd. He certainly seemed like one back in 1999. That's when he appeared on Charlie Rose to explain why his company, then called USA Networks, tried to acquire Lycos for $20 billion. Check out the clip. Nine years ago, Diller nailed the Internet. Though maybe not the Lycos deal.

Charlie Rose

cityfile · 02/03/08 09:38PM

The lanky southerner is the host of The Charlie Rose Show on PBS.

Kindle's true origin in 18th century French Enlightenment?

Tim Faulkner · 11/28/07 07:29PM

I know I'm not the only one thinking's e-book reader Kindle sounds more like kindling, something that should be burned, rather than something that ignites ideas and revolutions — a problem that a good naming myth, well told, will not easily overcome. Fortunately for Bezos, Charlie Rose can't help but interrupt his guests and provide the answers to his own questions. In an interview, the CEO fumbled through the origin of the e-book reader's name. But why is Jeff Bezos completely failing to tell the true, compelling, and literary origins of the Kindle name?

Bezos predicts demise of books, return of Charles Dickens

Nicholas Carlson · 11/20/07 03:49PM CEO and firestarter Jeff Bezos sat down to Charlie Rose's table last night. There, Bezos predicted Amazon's new e-reader Kindle will in the near future lead to new forms of art — like serial novels! — and render books made from "dead trees" as relics for "cabinets of curiosity." Bezos also gets in a characteristic maniacal laugh or two. Rose impersonates a tree.

Newspaperfolk Fail To Confront Craig Newmark

Doree · 05/07/07 12:19PM

This morning's opening session of the Newspaper Association of America's annual convention at the Marriott Marquis did not, for the most part, stray from the now-tired narrative about newspapers and their modern troubles. The publisher and CEO of the Washington Post, the rather improbably named Boisfeuillet Jones Jr., said that newspapers are preserving something called youth-oriented content. (Think of the children!) Journalism, he reminded the crowd, advances a great value to the nation. The crowd seemed to totally agree! John Sturm, who is the president of the Newspaper Association of America—whose board has five women among its 35 members, including Times Co. CEO Janet Robinson—made a joke about the Broadway play Spamalot, which some conference attendees are attending tomorrow night. Synergy! He also said that the Internet is the future. "When you add everything together, our audience is increasing!" he promised the crowd.

We Asked, You Answered: Charlie Rose's West Village Boite Revealed

Doree Shafrir · 12/19/06 02:10PM

Yesterday we pointed you to an Underground Gourmet tale of woe involving a long-anticipated roast chicken dish that was inexplicably re-routed to Charlie Rose, right in front of the UG's salivating eyes. The UG left the restaurant unnamed, only referring to it as a "favorite West Village boite." Several of you weighed in, but we're still not convinced that any of the guesses were correct. We'd love to finger Graydon Carter's Waverly Inn as the culprit—Amish Organic Free-Range chicken is on the menu—but it seems too new to be referred to as a favorite. And it's not really a boite, is it? Others blamed celeb-happy gastropub Spotted Pig, but this doesn't seem quite right to us either. For one thing, no roasted chicken on the dinner menu. Second, is Charlie Rose enough of a celebrity that he'd get special treatment at the Spotted Pig? Seems unlikely. So where else could it be? Let us know.

Charlie Rose Never Met Someone Else's Roasted Chicken He Didn't Like

Doree Shafrir · 12/18/06 04:55PM

New York magazine's Underground Gourmet reports today on a shocking scandal, one that will surely reverberate through the annals of public television for years to come. Apparently the UG was at "a favorite West Village boite" for dinner, waiting for their order (a chicken entree), when Charlie Rose walked in. Then this happened:

Media Bubble: Where's Scooter Libby When You Really Need Him?

abalk2 · 10/24/06 10:20AM

• Federal judge orders the NYT to disclose its sources in the Hatfill defamation case. Times vows to appeal. [NYT]
• Katie Couric's taking all the good jobs away from the girls. [B&C]
New Yorker Editor David Remnick attracts groupies. [FBNY]
• Tabloid Wars: News circulation up, ad revenue down; Post's circulation up, ad revenue up. Of course, the News is still ahead on that whole "not losing millions of dollars a year" thing. [Crain's]
• PBS brass doesn't give a shit who Charlie Rose honors. You can take your precious ethics and stuff 'em. [PBS]
• It's tough to be homeless in New York. [NYO]

Media Bubble: An Abundance of Annas

abalk2 · 10/23/06 11:10AM

• David Carr likes Rachael Ray, man-hands and all. [NYT]
• Kurt Andersen can handle Gawker's spitballs. It's Thelma & Louise metaphors that give him trouble. [NYM]
AdAge names Vogue Editor Anna Wintour Magazine Editor of the Year. It describes Wintour (Editor of Vogue) as "more Horace Greeley than Coco Chanel." We can't wait for the Vogue Editor's presidential run. If you can't get enough Anna Wintour, there's also video and photos of the Vogue Editor. [AdAge]
• If you like Wallpaper you'll love Monocle, the new title from Tyler Br l . We could actually care less about either, we just like typing Tyler Br l . It's a pretty perfect name. Try it yourself: Tyler Br l , Tyler Br l , Tyler Br l . Fun, right?[WWD]
• Hearst almost as cheap as New York. [Radar]
• If you go on Charlie Rose's show, he will totally take you out to dinner. [
• "We're looking for soulless people with a passion for writing and a willingness to report on the latest celebrity muckity muck." We swear to God, we did not place this ad. [

Media Bubble: No Suicide Here

abalk2 · 10/06/06 10:10AM

• What will the effect of Jeffrey Johnson's ouster from the LAT be? Well, for one thing, it will allow every media outlet to print articles like this one, which speculates about the effect of Jeffrey Johnson's ouster from the LAT. [WSJ]
• Nikki Finke thinks Dean Baquet is a big pussy. [DHD]
• Carly Fiorina wants credit for H-P's turnaround. H-P's spying? Not so much. [NYT]
• Jack Shafer is bullish on Bloomberg News, even though its news "has all the mouth-feel of a cup of talc." Yeah, it took us a while to get that one out of our heads too. [Slate]
• Now you can be bored by twelve full years of Charlie Rose. [WWD]
• Even when Jon Friedman admits to spouting the conventional wisdom he's spouting the conventional wisdom. [Marketwatch]

Media Bubble: Charlie Rose Is a Pig

Jesse · 06/08/06 01:00PM

• Charlie Rose — with a new pig-heart valve — returns to TV Monday. [NYDN]
• Congress boosts TV indecency fines, ensuring the Parents Television Council can continue its reign of puritanical terror over the nation's broadcasters. [WSJ]
• CBS's Kim Dozier returns to United States, still in critical condition but "in great spirits and was talking animatedly." []
• Fashion editor Angela Jones and reporter Kelly Will are among the five Star staffers we reported yesterday were being laid off. [NYP]

Media Bubble: Iraq War Is Deadliest for Journalists

Jesse · 05/30/06 12:08PM

• CBS cameraman and soundman killed in Iraq, reporter injured, making Iraq the deadliest modern war for journalists, worse the World War II. [NYT]
• Hearst is still tweaking Shop Etc. [Mediaweek]
• And could use to be tweaking Quick & Simple, which ain't selling well. [WWD]
• Charlie Rose is not dead. [NYM]
The Times of London to introduce U.S. edition with a run of 10,000 printed on New York Post presses. Even more Murdoch news, yay! [NYT]

Media Bubble: In Which Jann Wenner Is Discovered to Be a Control Freak

Jesse · 03/29/06 01:08PM

• "Wenner is driving everyone crazy," a staffer tells Keith Kelly. "He keeps changing his mind." This time that refers to plans for the Rolling Stone 1,000th issue party. [NYP]
• Charlie Rose to undergo heart surgery in Paris. It'll be under general anesthetic, which will give the surgeons a chance to get a few words in. [Reuters via Yahoo]
• The biggest Katie question: What exactly is gravitas? [NYO]
• Business books are back. And — have you heard? — Elizabeth Spiers has a new Wall Street blog. [WWD]
• The Newspaper Guild's bid for a dozen erstwhile Knight Ridder papers is backed by Ron Burkle's Yucaipa Cos. (Hmm, where have we heard of them before?) Bill Clinton in on the board of Yucapia. So Bill Clinton could end up as a newspaper owner, sort of. [NYSun]
• Lou Dobbs has discovered that "what works in cable television news is not an objective analysis of the day's events but hard-nosed, unstinting advocacy of a specific point of view." Who knew? [NYT]
• Time Inc. wants to be a web player now. If only the company could find a path. [WSJ]

Media Bubble: He Had a Dream

Jesse · 07/29/05 01:00PM

• A milestone in the struggle for equality: TV networks cover a missing black and Hispanic woman the same way they usually cover missing white women. Someplace, Dr. King is smiling. [USAT]
• Surprised to learn in the Post a few days ago that Osama planned to poison our cocaine? Yeah, so was the DEA. [NYDN]
• Morgan Spurlock is coming to Comedy Central, continuing his effort to become more ubiquitous than McDonald's but not nearly as delicious. [Mediaweek]
• Interestingly, in-flight mags are not the best place for subversive political satire. Who knew? [Folio:]
• At new Bloomberg LP headquarters, Charlie Rose guests are insufficiently from the hoi-polloi reporters. The horror. [WWD]
• Bob Woodward's The Secret Man is, maybe, a very poorly selling best-seller. [Media Mob]

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 01/20/03 09:02AM

· Matt Drudge reports that Mayor Mike was furious at the Rolling Stones for lighting up on stage. [Drudge]
· Movie critic Richard Roeper's new book includes a chapter titled, "12 Reasons Why I'll Never Attend a Freddie Prinze Jr. Film Festival" that lists every leading role Prinze has ever had. [Page Six]
· Robert Downey Jr., spotting a pile of beers in the snow in Utah, says, "Oh, I don't drink these days...I am allergic to alcohol and narcotics. I break out in handcuffs." [Page Six]
· Nick Kurzon and Jamie Johnson's documentary, Rich Kids has sold out at Sundance. The film follows wealthy New York kids, including Ivanka Trump, through their last year of high school. [Page Six]
· Director John Lee Hancock is having a problem with his new movie, The Alamo: his extras are too fat to fit into their uniforms. [Liz Smith]
· Charlie Rose promises to broker a dialogue about China and Tibet between Richard Gere and Henry Kissinger; Liza Minnelli causes a stir at a nearby gay bar when she's spotted exiting a fast-food joint; and Richard Meier is accused of being a spotlight hog for a WTC design on which he collaborated. [NY Daily News]