
Doree Shafrir · 09/04/07 04:15PM

David Haskell, founder of fun indy mag Topic and man-about-town, has just accepted the deputy culture editor job at New York, and sent around the following email to Topic staff: "i've taken a job as deputy culture editor at new york magazine, starting october first. i'm very excited, and looking forward to telling you about it in person as details emerge. meantime, topic's plans for the next few months—finish, print and launch Topic 11: Escape—hold steady, and a december escape party is on the calendar. judging from last night's epic meeting w/ the art department, this issue is going to look fantastic." Escape, indeed!

Doree Shafrir · 08/29/07 01:40PM

We understand that Salon deputy life editor Sarah Karnasiewicz has departed Joan Walsh's terrordome for Saveur. We wonder if they'll be hiring someone to replace her, or if they'll just rejigger everyone else's responsibilities? Like the way they made Joy Press edit Books and Life! (Incidentally, is anyone editing their loon advice columnist Cary Tennis these days?)