
Taylor Swift Moves Magic Chair into Rhode Island Mansion

Caity Weaver · 05/03/13 04:43PM

If you live in Rhode Island you may have noticed that lately all the dogs are lurching about on their hind legs and all the sparrows are circling ‘round and ‘round in endless, frantic circles and every day at noon the sky turns midnight black—how strange; no idea why that is. In unrelated news, Taylor Swift moved into her newly purchased Rhode Island mansion on Wednesday. She also brought the seat of all her power: a lucky chair.

Full Size Chair Folds Neatly into a Briefcase

Richard Blakeley · 01/03/11 04:17PM

Most of the time folding chairs just fold into something almost as difficult to carry around as a chair itself. So one man has decided to take folding chairs to the limit, be prepared to be impressed.