
America's Chance to Get Mad About CEO Pay

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/15 08:36AM

Another day, another small, symbolic victory for the masses in the class war. It is from symbolic victories like these that real victories are often launched.

Les Moonves Is More Like a Pirate Than a CEO

Hamilton Nolan · 06/24/15 08:27AM

While you could reasonably argue that many—or even most—corporate CEOs are paid too much money, there is no better poster child for CEO overcompensation than Les Moonves, who plunders the CBS corporation like an evil pirate who tips poorly.

Hamilton Nolan · 04/06/15 01:19PM

David Zaslav, CEO of Discovery Communications, received total compensation of $156.1 million in 2014, a year in which the company's stock price fell by 25%. If you can find a justification for that, then you have what it takes to become a CEO.

Elegy for a Bad McDonald's CEO

Hamilton Nolan · 01/29/15 12:15PM

Let us all bow our heads and say a prayer for Don Thompson, fired this week as CEO of McDonald's merely because he was bad at his job, and his company is bad, and performing badly.

Hamilton Nolan · 04/29/14 03:42PM

America's highest-paid CEO in 2013: Charif Souki, the head of the natural gas firm Cheniere Energy, which has yet to turn a profit. Souki made a cool $142 million last year, five times what the head of ExxonMobil made. The system works, assuming that you (like most of our readers) are a CEO.

Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/14 03:17PM

The average U.S. CEO is paid 331 times as much as their average employee. A new Demos report finds that the fast food industry, currently the subject of vast protests, "has the greatest CEO-to-worker pay disparity in our economy, with ratios exceeding 1,000-to-1."

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/14 02:23PM

The latest analysis by the AFL-CIO shows that the average U.S. CEO was paid 331 times more than their average worker last year, and 774 times more than a minimum wage worker. That's a significant increase in the past three years. Keep pouring gas on that fire, fuckers.

The Myth of the CEO

Hamilton Nolan · 04/03/14 03:10PM

Mary Barra, the CEO of GM, spent yesterday being grilled by Congress for her company's years-long failure to fix a known safety defect in its cars. Barra's lack of answers is being blamed on the size of the organization she leads. Which is a great argument against the salaries that CEOs earn.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/25/13 09:13AM

Voters in Switzerland this weekend rejected a proposal to limit CEO pay to 12 times that of the lowest-paid worker. An insane idea? "In Germany nearly three quarters would support such pay curbs, according to a poll."

Switzerland's Ideals Put America to Shame

Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/13 11:35AM

In America, the average CEO is paid more than 230 times an average worker's salary. In Switzerland, CEOs are paid 43 times more than the average worker. That figure is so shocking to the Swiss that they want to radically rein it in.

What's an Acceptable Ratio of CEO Pay to Worker Pay?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/13 01:48PM

As of 2011, the average CEO was paid 230 times the salary of an average worker at his company. Today, the SEC proposed a rule to require companies to report that ratio every year. What should it be? A modest proposal: 100-1.

How Jeff Bezos makes ends meet on an $82,000 salary

Jackson West · 05/08/08 01:20PM

Less than a week after Forbes sang the praises of his "modest $82,000 annual base salary," Jeff Bezos cashed in another 2.15 million shares of his stock, adding another $168 million to an earlier $135 million sale to boost his take for the last three months to a cool $300 million-plus. Not forgetting those less fortunate, Jeff also set aside 252 Amazon shares, or about .01 percent of last week's sales, for donation to a nonprofit.

(Photo by Zhang Yong/ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images)