
Morley Safer Is a Huge Asshole

Hamilton Nolan · 02/14/11 01:22PM

Last week, Manhattan's highfalutin Century Association made news for its internal argument over whether to sever ties with the Garrick, a club in London that doesn't admit women members. One of the Century members who came down firmly on the side of "I will not be inconvenienced on my next trip to London by silly ladies and their foolishness": 60 Minutes' Morley Safer! The NYT got its hands on a letter that ol' Morley sent to his fellow club members. Enjoy:

Fancy Club's Anguished Debate: Are We Rushing This 'Women Are Equal' Thing?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/10/11 10:21AM

The Century Club in Manhattan is a throwback to the romantic days of yore, when men of arts and letters would gather in private wood-paneled rooms next to roaring fires to discuss the intellectual issues of the day. Like how inferior women are! The Century itself started admitting women in 1988, thanks to a court order, but now the woman-issue has reared its pretty little head once again.