
Former GOP Congressman Who Triggered 20-Year Ban on Gun Control Research Has Some Regrets

Chris Thompson · 12/02/15 08:22PM

The too-little-too-late redemption tour of one Jay Dickey continued today—of all days—on Capitol Hill, with a letter released by the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force. This will be a handy reminder that regret—truly a weighty motherfucker for the sufferer—has a realtime value of roughly jack-shit in the world outside your tormented soul.

Dallas Hospital Was Totally Unprepared for Ebola Patient

Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/14/14 11:22PM

The Dallas hospital that treated Texas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan didn't have appropriate protective gear and reportedly left him in a room with other patients for "several hours" before ultimately putting him in isolation, exposing at least 76 people.

Everyone Is Surviving Cancer Now!

Lindsay MaHarry · 03/11/11 06:11PM

The number of cancer survivors has increased 20% in only six years. Finally, cancer is cured! According to numbers released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute, there were 9.1 million survivors in 2001. By 2007, the number of survivors had risen to 11.7 million. Impressive, as 40 years ago there were only three million.