
Cellulite Zappers as Expensive as They Are Ineffectual

cityfile · 08/19/08 07:18AM

When it comes to selling treatments that claim to get rid of fat and cellulite, these days doctors and estheticians can impute magical powers to a big slab of metal and plastic, throwing in words like "laser" and "light energy" and "high frequency," and pluck out of the air a price with a vague connection to both how much they paid for the machine and just how desperate/gullible/rich their potential customers are. Women will then eagerly sign up for the treatment, regardless of whether or not it actually does anything. And, according to today's Wall Street Journal, it probably doesn't.

Was Mischa Barton's '80-Year-Old' Cellulite Faked By Paparazzo?

Richard Lawson · 05/09/08 11:05AM

As a matter of policy we leave celebrity cellulite photos to sites such as the Daily Mail's, which specializes in premature wrinkles, embarrassing guts and other physical evidence that decrepitude is inevitable—even for stars. But Mischa Barton's idiotic publicist has decided to turn an embarrassing photograph of the actress' rumpled behind into a fully-fledged photoshop scandal—which gives every gossip site the excuse to run the otherwise stale photographs. And Team Barton can't even get its story straight.