
Three Cops Tackle High School Girl to the Ground to Get Her Cell Phone

Allie Jones · 09/11/14 11:40AM

Sam Houston High School in Texas takes its "no cell phones in class" policy seriously. The footage above shows 15-year-old, 70-lb sophomore Ixel Perez screaming and crying as three campus cops tackle her to the ground to get her phone. One of them puts his knee on the side of her head.

Internet And Cell Phones, North Korean Style

Barry Petchesky · 11/10/12 01:00PM

Before going on, I want everyone to locate and read Nothing to Envy, the best account yet of the lives of ordinary North Koreans. OK? Everyone done? The most striking scene in the book illustrated just how isolated the country is: North Koreans, in possession of an ancient mobile phone, huddled at an isolated spot on the northern border where one bar of reception would occasionally leak over from China.

Ringtone Completely Ruins Tone During Post-Shooting Interview

Henry Baker · 01/09/11 09:06PM

When standing next to a woman being interviewed for her bravery during yesterday's horrific shooting, it's best not to leave your phone set to jaunty. It's definitely not OK to answer the pho—oh, there he goes! Watch inside.

Retro Cell Phone Ad Is Nostalgia at Its Finest

Matt Cherette · 07/08/10 12:06PM

Remember those giant—and, at the time, revolutionary—cell phones from the early '90s that weighed about 20 lbs. and made you embarrassed to be seen anywhere with your father? If so, this commercial will make you feel all ~nostalgic~.