
Americans Happily Exchange Privacy for Trinkets

Hamilton Nolan · 06/01/10 09:23AM

Hey there—you, the consumer. How would you like $1 off a Frappuccino, or a free Croissanwich, or just a meaningless virtual corporate-assigned "title?" You'd like it a lot. All we need is every bit of your personal information, free.

The Nine Types of Text Messaging Monsters

Brian Moylan · 04/27/10 03:28PM

Text messaging is one of the greatest advances in communication since, well, the telephone and email. That said, it's still a fledgling medium and some people need to learn how to use it without being a total jackass.

Your Cell Phone Now Stalking You

Hamilton Nolan · 02/23/10 10:13AM

Cell phones: they had such promise. Such wondrous potential. How have we, wretched humanity, squandered that potential? By turning cell phones into predatory ad-delivery systems. Corporations are literally stalking you, by cell phone. And you asked for it!

The Perils of Technology, Vol. 187

Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/10 10:13AM

Murdering someone and then using her phone to send text messages to her family saying she is tied up in a basement somewhere in an attempt to throw investigators off track: something that we sincerely hope does not become a trend. [NYP]

The War on Distracted Driving Has Commenced

cityfile · 01/12/10 01:52PM

Because some people have yet to get the message that it's not the best idea to talk on your cell phone, apply makeup and eat lunch while you drive, the Transportation Department is sending out "an army of people that will be traveling the country persuading people to put their cellphones away while they're driving." Yes, Distraction.gov, the "official US government website for distracted driving" has arrived! [AP]

Your Cell Phone Isn't Killing You

cityfile · 12/04/09 02:54PM

Chatting on your cell phone constantly does not increase your chance of developing brain cancer, according to a new study. Just don't pass this info on to your workaholic boyfriend. [USA Today]

Your iPhone May Get You Killed

cityfile · 11/18/09 03:11PM

Two reasons to avoid talking on your cell phone as you walk down the street? For one thing, you're a lot more likely to get mowed down by a car, according to two new studies. (Chatty college students took 25 percent longer to cross the street than their peers who weren't on the phone; people over 65 in the same situation were 15 percent more likely to get run over.) Reason No. 2: As one Vanity Fair staffer's recent experience makes clear, you're also much more likely to get your ass kicked. Consider yourself warned. [Daily Finance, Page Six]

Ticketathon Raises $1 Mil.

cityfile · 10/27/09 01:54PM

Last week's assault on cellphone-chatting drivers turned out to be a nice fundraiser for the city: The 7,500 tickets issued during the 24-hour crackdown pumped $975,000 into city coffers. [NYP]

Your Cellphone Isn't a Megaphone

cityfile · 10/23/09 03:03PM

If you're the kind of person who uses the speaker phone function on your cellphone in public—thus subjecting strangers to both sides of your totally mundane conversation—be sure to read what happened to "Argentine opera diva" Gabriela Pochinki when she pulled the stunt at an Upper West Side restaurant last week. These stories never have happy endings, we assure you. [NYDN]

NYC's $1 Million Day

cityfile · 10/22/09 12:12PM

If the city really wants to crack down on people who chat on their cellphones while driving, why does it announce in advance when it plans to enforce the law? Who knows, but the "24-hour citywide effort" to stamp out the bad habit will continue up until midnight as the NYPD hands ten times as many tickets for the offense as usual (and the city collects an extra $1 million or so). But if your cab driver got pulled over today and you had to sit in the back seat for five minutes while a cop wrote him a ticket, you now know why you were inconvenienced. [NYT]

How UN4TUN8!

cityfile · 07/17/09 11:33AM

"The New York Senate voted Thursday to outlaw using portable electronic devices to text, play games or surf the Web while driving. The Assembly had approved the measure earlier. It sets fines up to $150 for using handheld devices or laptops to send text messages or read, view or transmit images or data while a vehicle is moving. Gov. David Paterson is expected to sign it." [Newsday]