
Media Bubble: It Is the Best of Times for Celeb Weeklies, and It Is the Worst of Times

Jesse · 04/06/06 04:02PM

Celebrity Living notwithstanding, of course. [WWD]
Times crossword calls a scoundrel a "scumbag," and readers are incensed. Naturally. [Slate]
• Katie decided to move to CBS because her daughters said she should. [NYT]
• But the Couric girls' advice causes biz challenges for both nets. [WSJ]
• Which is just as well for Jim Romenesko, who's sort of obsessed with her. [Media Mob/NYO]

Media Bubble: AMI Learns That Firing Employees Saves Money

Jesse · 04/05/06 03:50PM

• Yesterday's American Media bloodletting will cut the mag publisher's workforce by 9 percent. [WWD]
• And will save the company about $10 million. [NYP]
• With Katie Couric heading to CBS, NBC is days away from a deal to bring Meredith Vieira to fill her clickety stiletto heels. [NYT]
• Gabe Sherman agrees: Times Discovery Channel might be on its way out. Plus Hearst in the new tower, Lapham at Michael's, and Raines at Harvard. [NYO]
The New York Times has finally done something to make Jack Shafer happy. So now he'll cancel his subscription. [Slate]
The Week names Nick Kristof Columnist of the Year. We imagine Andrea Peyser is devastated. [E&P]