
And Now, a Cat Battling a Washing Machine

Matt Cherette · 01/05/11 04:14PM

You know that, "If a black cat crosses your path, it's bad luck" saying? Does it still apply if the cat—named Robocop, here—is busily engaged in a battle with a front-loading washing machine? Or is it just cute?

And Now, a Pack of Puppies Adorably Attacking a Cat

Matt Cherette · 01/04/11 05:44PM

Here's a video of an adorable pack of puppies adorably attacking an adorable—and annoyed—cat. It's set to music, too, so you know it's good. OK, enough introductions, how about you just come inside and watch it go down?

Adorable Kitten Encounters a Mirror for the First Time

Matt Toder · 12/29/10 05:30PM

The internet never tires of videos featuring adorable kittens. And why should it? Adorable kittens are adorable! Especially when they encounter a mirror for the first time and have no idea what to make of it.

Cat Just Doesn't Care Anymore

Christopher Han · 12/29/10 03:00PM

Here it is, your moment of Zen. Soda can resting on top of a sleeping cat. Can eventually (eventually) falls off. Let's not mull over the destination, but rather enjoy the journey.

The Best Cat Videos of 2010 in 90 Seconds

Matt Cherette · 12/28/10 12:00PM

Each year, the Internet blesses us with a seemingly endless array of cat videos, and 2010 was no different! From cute to curmudgeonly, sappy to scary, tame to thrilling, and more, here's our compilation of the year's best feline-focused offerings.

And Now, a Kitten Playing Foosball

Matt Toder · 12/28/10 09:45AM

Still stuck inside staring out the unpaved arctic wasteland that used to be your block? How about a kitten playing foosball to lighten the mood?

Cat Voluntarily Puts On Rabbit Costume

Christopher Han · 12/27/10 04:00PM

We approach this cat lounging, window-side, on it's chair. The cat somehow takes this as a cue to put on the rabbit costume / hat that has been designated to him. Ta-da! He hates us all.

Cat Finds it Impossible to Relax on Trampoline

Christopher Han · 12/27/10 10:15AM

It is unclear whether the cat thought the trampoline would be a good place to relax, or if the little girl and camera-mom dragged the poor thing to it. The cat wants out.

And Now, a Cat Doing Boxing Training

Annie Fleming · 12/19/10 10:30AM

This cat is getting ready for his upcoming boxing match with the next-door neighbor's heavyweight chartreux, with the help of some upper body reps and Eminem.

Footage From Cats Wearing Cameras on Their Heads

Christopher Han · 12/13/10 11:10AM

We wouldn't call it a film, but here is a nice video that strings together footage that cats took with cameras strapped to their heads. This will help us get back to a sense of normalcy.

This Is What Crazy Cat Ladies See When They Take LSD

Chris Wyman · 12/08/10 04:20PM

Technically, an Australian animator made this mind-bending clip to demo the rendering of animal fur, but it doubles as an Electric Feline Acid Test. Or maybe it's a prayer designed to summon some omnipotent, spinster-like deity?

Watch a Cat Try to Fit Inside a Water Bottle

Matt Cherette · 12/07/10 01:35PM

And now, for your Tuesday edition of "BAWWWWW!" there's this: William, a cat who is nearly too cute for words, tries for a good 45 seconds to fit inside his owner's Nalgene water bottle in the most adorable fail ever.

It's a Camouflage Cat Ambush, You Guys

Christopher Han · 12/06/10 06:20PM

The only thing that can surprise a cat is another cat. Watch this poorly camouflaged feline take an unsuspecting victim by surprise, followed by an awkward standoff.