
Microsoft looks for its own Sarah Lacy

Owen Thomas · 09/18/08 06:20PM

If you can't hire a star, why not one of her best girlfriends? We hear Microsoft has poached BusinessWeek reporter Catherine Holahan for a new online-video project — MSN's answer to Yahoo Finance's Tech Ticker stocks show, which features Sarah Lacy, Holahan's former colleague at BusinessWeek and a close friend. (The two were rarely apart when they attended the SXSW conference where Lacy infamously interviewed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.) Lacy's known for her va-va-voom Diane Von Furstenberg wardrobe on Tech Ticker. But from the looks of some of her BusinessWeek videos, Holahan prefers a more informal look. Honestly, Catherine: Was a tank top the best look to go for, even when talking about as light a subject as Web widgets?

The Web comic BusinessWeek won't show you

Owen Thomas · 03/10/08 08:00PM

BusinessWeek reporter Catherine Holahan dropped in on BitStrips, a Web-comics startup showing off its wares at SXSW. (Really, who goes to the SXSW trade-show booths?) In Holahan's blog post on the subject, she faithfully transcribed BitStrips founder Ba's thoughts on why he created a website that automates the production of cartoons which look like they were drawn by 5th-grade students. But oddly, she didn't hit on something far more topical: How Ba himself attacked her colleague Sarah Lacy for her keynote interview with Mark Zuckerberg in an "editor's pick." That comic strip, which I'm betting you won't see on anytime soon:

Business Week's Turn to Blow Smoke

rabruzzo · 10/25/06 06:12PM

Business Week has pulled a NYT and does a calorie-free article on Google. Headline: How Google's Garden Grows. Makes you want a chop a tree down, don't it? The cell phone with faked google screen has nothing to do with the article, must be handling BW's graphics now.