Nev From Catfish Was Kicked Out of College After Punching a Woman
Jordan Sargent · 09/09/14 02:25PM
Last night on Twitter, Nev Schulman, the host of MTV's excruciating internet romance show Catfish, made a joke about Ray Rice, the NFL running back who has been banned by the league for knocking his wife unconscious. The joke was fucked up for many reasons, not the least of which is that Nev himself has a history of violence against women.
Woman Catfishes Her Niece, Finds Out Her Niece Wants to Kill Her
Andy Cush · 06/11/14 08:20AMJacob Clifton · 05/07/14 09:50PM
In-between prestige drama like The Americans and the perfection that is Nashville–which we'll be talking about tomorrow–tonight MTV's got the Catfish season premiere and True Life: I'm A Gay Athlete. Join us at over at Morning After as we learn the truth about some things and the lies about some other things.
TV Star Tricked by Fake Girlfriend Into Filming 'Sexy Hot Tub Video'
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/19/13 08:42AMLamestain Boston Cops Google 'Punk Rocker,' Use Results to Crack Down on Local Music, DIY House Shows
Camille Dodero · 03/29/13 03:42PM
Joe Sly is such a hardcore Boston punk. He's so punk, his email address is He's so punk that he proactively emails noise bands to see when and where they're coming to Boston to play some of those "DIY concerts." He's so punk his Google+ motto—this oxymoron just gets better—is "What's the point," his disaffection so deeply punk the statement doesn't even merit a question mark on his profile.
Male Teacher Accused of Posing as Female on Facebook to Solicit Nude Photos from Underage Students
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/11/13 02:53PMOn Eating Catfish
Rich Juzwiak · 01/29/13 02:40PM
I never want a boyfriend until I meet him; Charles* got me effortlessly. He enlivened me. I felt free to say whatever as we swapped pop-cultural obsessions, revealing ourselves in the process. Or at least, that was the idea. I told him I was nasty like the dirt under SWV singer Coko's fingernails. I meant it.
Does This Count As Coming Out?: Woman Admits She Isn't Transgender on Catfish
Rich Juzwiak · 01/22/13 01:40PMOn last night's Catfish, the show that dares to ask who's zoomin' who about people who have never met but are engaged in Internet relationships, the zoomin' was particularly fervent. Rod met Ebony via a gay/bisexual dating site, even though he claimed not to identify as gay or bi ("You can go on there to meet basically anybody," he said, not adding that "anybody" meant primarily gay and bisexual people). He also claimed to be his cousin "KJ" and sent Ebony pictures of KJ rather than himself over the course of their four-year correspondence.
This Week in Sinister Evolutionary Leaps
Mallory Ortberg · 12/08/12 05:00PMCatfish-Like Internet Hoax Unravels After Blogger's Online Persona Goes Viral
Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/16/12 02:24PMCatfish TV Show Will Exploit More Sad Internet Liars
Louis Peitzman · 08/05/12 11:19AMFried Catfish Is So Hot Right Now
Louis Peitzman · 04/07/12 03:48PMNow There's a Whole TV Show About People Lying on the Internet
Adrian Chen · 04/01/11 06:34PM
Catfish is a pretty interesting documentary about a guy who found out that someone he was talking to on the Internet wasn't who he thought she was. (Gasp!) Now MTV is developing a pilot focused on "social network users who purposely misidentify themselves and the repercussions that occur." So, it's the MTV version of that famous New Yorker cartoon with the dog.
Is Hollywood's Lust for the Web Spiraling Out of Control?
Ryan Tate · 09/27/10 04:53PMCatfish and the Death of Online Anonymity
Adrian Chen · 09/23/10 08:43PMFinally, Ben Affleck Is a Movie Star Again
Richard Lawson · 09/20/10 10:01AMWhy Catfish Will Make You Think Twice About Sharing Personal Information on Facebook
Scott Wampler · 09/01/10 04:30PMWe should expect an epic, national-sized discussion when Catfish arrives in theaters, as it's destined to inspire a conversation that's been in the making for years, one we should've addressed awhile ago: the danger inherent in social networking.