
PodTech fuckup roundup

Nick Douglas · 07/11/07 02:21AM

PodTech, the video podcast network apparently dedicated to screwing over as many people as possible without actually profiting from it, has dropped so many fresh cowpies that I need to pack OH MY GOD SIX STINKING STORIES into one post, just so I don't overload and nauseate the people who aren't gleefully watching this bullshit company get properly prison-raped.

Vlog Hot: Glamazons Heat 1

Chris Mohney · 02/26/07 06:18PM

This round includes specimens on the more glamorous end of the vlogger spectrum. Celebrity schmoozing, natural hotness, or affected personal style were the tickets into this race. On deck: Violet Blue, Gala Darling, Adriana Gascoigne, Casey McKinnon, and Sara Schaefer. Do that jump thing with the voteyness.

If you can't see the voting mechanism below, we can't help you. We don't know how it works either. You might try turning off firewalls and turning on cookies. Note that you can now vote more than once! And why not? You should be able to vote once per day in any of these polls, showing true devotion to your favorite vlogger by suborning the more casual, ephemeral love showered on her or his opponents. Again, if you have technical problems with that, don't call us. For amusement only, far as you're concerned.