
Obama's First Hundred Minutes

Ryan Tate · 01/11/09 03:00PM

"Minutes 65-67: Delete 'private' Scarlett Johansson photos before surrendering Blackberry to Secret Service. Minutes 91-99: Do a little blow." [Indecision]

World's Worst Editorial Cartoonist Shares Wonderful Colin Powell Traitor Cartoon

Pareene · 10/20/08 12:04PM

Hey, were you wondering who the worst political cartoonist in the United States is? We have an answer! It's California-based syndicated cartoonist Gordon Campbell, who took a break from his recent joke-free cartoons about how we are now a nation of communists because of the bailout bill to draw a very special cartoon in which he just colored noted traitor Benedict Arnold black and called him Colin Powell. That is the whole of this cartoon, a portrait of the man who betrayed George Washington and this young nation, in blackface, with white flags, and the utterly insane caption "Benedict Powell... Race Patriot." What does that mean? Let's allow Campbell to explain, in his own words:

Obama's Cartoon Retribution

Ryan Tate · 07/20/08 09:29PM

After the New Yorker ran its controversial Barack Obama cover satirically mocking smears against the candidate, the presumptive Democratic nominee acted like it really didn't bother him all that much. "It's a cartoon," he told CNN. That seemed very reasonable! But it sounds like Obama was more angry than he let on. The New Yorker was shut out of much-coveted plane tickets for the senator's trip to the Middle East and Europe next week. Neither Washington correspondent Ryan Lizza nor, Politico's Mike Allen confirms via email, anyone else from the magazine is among the 40 journalists blessed with seats. Granted, some 200 people applied for tickets. But given the New Yorker's circulation, influence and often heroic coverage of not only politics but also the war in Iraq (George Packer), U.S. intelligence and covert military operations (Seymour Hersh, Steve Coll), American torture (Jane Mayer) and the inner workings of the Bush administration, it's hard to see the snub as anything other than payback.

Remnick Defends Obama Cover, Idea That Readers Aren't Retards

Pareene · 07/14/08 09:17AM

This is the problem with being an editor or publisher or writer or cartoonist or even blogger and having some small lingering trace of a sense of irony-sometimes you accidentally assume that the Vast and Mysterious "Audience" shares that subversive French sense. Thankfully, after what will presumably be a full week of Outrage and Demands for Apologies, David Remnick and his New Yorker will never make that mistake again. As you might've seen, the cover of that influential publication this week shows Barack Obama dressed as a Muslim, and he is Terrorist Fist-Bumping his aggrieved wife as a flag burns in the Oval Office. This obvious and heavy-handed satire has enraged Democrats and liberal media critics because now they are pretty sure this nation of child-like imbeciles will believe it to be an un-retouched photograph from the FUTURE. New Yorker editor David Remnick defended the cover to the Huffington Post. Did you know that sometimes that magazine makes "jokes"?

The Joke So Ill-Advised, Sean Delonas Made It Multiple Times

Pareene · 06/10/08 11:41AM

New York Post editorial cartoonist Sean Delonas is known for his distinctive visual style, his keen grasp of current events, and his virulent, hateful homophobia. Seriously, at least once a week he commits a hate crime to paper. So his take on Thomas Beatie, the pregnant transgendered man, is predictably nuanced and clever. See, it's some bearded guy who looks a bit like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad going into labor while a bunch of doctors ask for "suggestions" on how to deliver the baby. Because he's a man! Men don't have babies! Get it? We enjoyed this cartoon even more today than we did when Delonas made the exact same one two months ago:

'South Park' Enacts The Worst Britney Case Scenario

Seth Abramovitch · 03/20/08 11:34AM

After a touching season premiere in which Cartman learns he's been accidentally infected with HIV, South Park decided to lighten things up in the second episode of their 12th season by having Britney Spears put a shotgun in her mouth and blow off 70% of her head. (Don't worry—she lives!)