
Second Life's Masquerade

Megan McCarthy · 08/27/07 05:00PM

So, did you attend the 800-person strong Second Life Community Convention in Chicago this weekend? No? Neither did we, but CNET reporter Caroline McCarthy (no relation) braved the hot air and hype at Chicago's Hilton hotel to bring a first-person account of the Second Life gathering. She also took some lovely pictures at the conference's Masquerade Ball. Prominent Second Life advertisers like Cisco and IBM might want to take a look at the gallery — seeing the players in real life, as opposed to avatar form, might help them to better tailor their "islands" — Second Life creator Linden Lab's word for private areas in Second Life — to potential customers.

Vlog Hot: Techbabes Heat 2

Chris Mohney · 02/26/07 05:00PM

And here's the second round of gadgetish tech chicks, each one silently pleading for your elecoral support. Present/accounted for are Veronica Belmont, Cali Lewis, Caroline McCarthy, Molly Wood, and Yue Xu. Hit that jump and vote that vote.

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