The Lost Finale Was Incredibly Dumb
Max Read · 05/23/10 10:59PMDoes Lost Owe Us Anything?
Richard Lawson · 05/20/10 04:45PMGawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day
Whitney Jefferson · 05/20/10 03:00PMVideo of Our Night at the LOST Exhibition
Matt Toder · 05/20/10 09:15AMGeeking Out at the LOST Exhibition
Whitney Jefferson · 05/19/10 09:40PMIf LOST's Flash-Sideways Were an Actual Classroom TV Drama, It Would Look Like This
Anderson Evans · 03/10/10 01:00PMCould the show that has redefined science-fiction for the masses be the harbinger of what television-drama will become? While flashbacks and flashforwards gave the audience insight into character's lives, the flashsideways are what could make for cutting edge television drama.
Lost's Shephard Siblings Can't Behave Themselves
Anderson Evans · 02/24/10 02:48PMHere's a LOST theory for you: If Jack and Claire don't have their recommended dosage of alcohol PEOPLE DIE! There is a lot of pent up anger going on, and island rehab doesn't seem to be working.
LOST Producers Announce Series Finale Air Date
Whitney Jefferson · 02/03/10 12:13PMWhite House and Lost Declare Truce
Brian Moylan · 01/08/10 02:53PM
Ending speculation, Carlton Cuse tweeted "No State of the Union conflict with LOST! We go Feb. 2!" Meanwhile White House press secretary Robert Gibbs is saying he doesn't "foresee a conflict." So, the State of the Union is probably on Jan. 26, and may actually only be The Corner's second-least favorite show on television.