
It'd hit me

Owen Thomas · 10/28/08 06:00PM

Laid-off sex blogger Violet Blue has resurfaced after her unpublishing. She appears to be in good spirits, debuting her Halloween costume as a naughty nun. Never mind that she should be the one getting her knuckles rapped for fibbing! We hear her departure from Fleshbot, Valleywag's smutty sister site, wasn't as consensual as she'd have you believe. Can you think of a better caption? Leave it in the comments. The best one will become the post's new headline. Yesterday's winner: nirreskeya, for "Elevation's new partners." (Photo by Scott Beale/Laughing Squid)

Elevation's new partners

Owen Thomas · 10/27/08 06:00PM

Even Bono's privacy is an illusion. A picture of the U2 rocker (and venture-capital investor at Silicon Valley's Elevation Partners) with two comely teenagers, Hannah Emerson and Andrea Feick, was leaked to the Daily Mail via Facebook. (The site has notoriously bad security on its online photo albums. Know someone who knows someone who knows someone? You can see their pics, no problem.) We now understand why Wikipedia cofounder Jimmy Wales likes to pal around with Bono; great minds think below the belt. Can you think of a better caption? Leave it in the comments. The best one will become the post's new headline. Friday's winner: kgbeat, who turned Jason Calacanis's two-fingered salute into the answer to the question, "How many rounds of layoffs are planned at Mahalo?"

How many more rounds of layoffs are planned at Mahalo?

Owen Thomas · 10/24/08 06:00PM

What was Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis doing in the weeks running up to this company's layoffs? Traveling around the world, to destinations like the World Knowledge Forum in Seoul, Korea. In his how-to-lay-people-off memo, Calacanis also promised to cut back on his travel budget — which struck me as an admission that his trips to speak at conferences, often on subjects unrelated to his work at his Sequoia-funded Web directory, were being paid for by his investors. Can you think of a better caption? Leave it in the comments. The best one will become the post's new headline. Yesterday's winner: Ted Dziuba, for "Traffic is the new profit." (Photo by JoopDorresteijn)

Traffic is the new profit

Owen Thomas · 10/23/08 06:00PM

We're not sure we buy Inc. magazine's cover math, any more than we believed BusinessWeek when that magazine told us Digg founder Kevin Rose was worth $60 million. But the cover is impressive. (As are Rose's biceps. Photoshop?) Your suggestions for captions are welcome in the comments; the best will become the post's new headline. Yesterday's winner: DrewFinch, for "All your data are belong to us." (Photo by aprilini)

All your data are belong to us

Owen Thomas · 10/22/08 06:00PM

At last, the Googlephone is in the wild. But what else lurks as Google lurches into the wireless world? A photo of this giant robot, based on the logo for Google's Android operating system, was fittingly captured by a T-Mobile G1 phone running Android. Can you think of a better caption? Leave your suggestions in the comments, and the best will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: LychorindaAristaeus, for "The face of a $747 strike price." (Photo by ericajoy)

The face of a $747 strike price

Owen Thomas · 10/21/08 06:00PM

This summer, LiveJournal founder turned Google engineer Brad Fitzpatrick briefly sported a fu manchu, a facial-hair styling usually seen in old movies, gay porn, and old gay porn movies. His wistful expression seemed to capture today's end-of-an-era weltanschauung. Will his new pals at Google get trimmed away like his 'stache? Suggest a better caption in the comments, and the best one will become the post's new headline. Yesterday's winner: "Tesla's alternative energy: the tow truck," by Scalawag. (Photo by Brad Fitzpatrick)

Tesla's alternative energy: the tow truck

Owen Thomas · 10/20/08 06:00PM

As Tesla Motors was closing its Detroit office and laying off as many as 100 employees, a tipster spotted this metaphor for the troubled electric automaker, once the brightest light of the Valley's nascent alt-energy business: a Tesla, presumably stalled out, getting towed on Highway 92. Can you think of a better caption? Leave it in the comments. The best one will become the post's new headline. Friday's winner, on the sight of the Queen of England checking out YouTube, was EnglishBloke: "'Has one made any money from this?'"

"Has one made any money from this?"

Owen Thomas · 10/17/08 06:00PM

Queen visits YouTube! No, we're not talking about Ben Ling's new assignment at Google. Her Royal Highness visited Google's London offices, where she was met by YouTube founder Chad Hurley for this staged photo opportunity. Does she broadcast herself on the video site? Well, no, the Queen has people to do that for her, on her own Royal Channel. Can you suggest a better caption for the photo? Suggest it in the headlines. The best one will become the post's new headline. Yesterday's winner: "Does this turtelneck make me look thin?" by ThatKid. (Photo by Adrian Dennis/AP)

Does this turtleneck make me look thin?

Paul Boutin · 10/16/08 06:00PM

GeekSugar editor Heather Dale was surprised and thrilled when Mrs. Steve Jobs walked up and sat down next to her at Apple's MacBook event in Cupertino Tuesday. Laurene Powell-Jobs has an email address, but can you think of the last time you've seen her in public? She does the Invisible Girl act better than Jessica Alba. Post your better caption in the comments. Best one becomes the new headline. Yesterday's winner: rwe112, for "Dressing up as Neo for Halloween is so 2000."

Shhh! I'm reading about the keynote!

Paul Boutin · 10/14/08 06:00PM

The most telling photo from Gizmodo's live coverage at Apple's Cupertino product launch event today. I promise you this: If Apple PR ever goofs and lets Valleywag into a freaking Steve Jobs keynote, I'll keep my MacBook closed, turn off Twitter, and pay attention to The Man. Can you think of a better caption for this photo? Leave it in the comments. The best one will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: WagCurious, for "You must be this tall to ride Alex Albrecht." (Photo by Gizmodo)

You must be this tall to ride Alex Albrecht

Owen Thomas · 10/13/08 06:00PM

The bromance between Diggnation cohosts Alex Albrecht and Kevin Rose is so palpable, and same-sex marriage so trendy, that I was a bit surprised to hear that Albrecht was engaged to someone else. Aw, Kevin, I hope you don't feel jilted! Someone will make an honest man of you, someday. The two performed their Web show live on stage at the Future of Web Apps conference in London — which, we hear, was just like Cyprus but without the crystal-blue sea and the matching swimsuits. Can you think of a better caption? Leave it in the comments. The best will become the post's new headline. Friday's winner: franky, for "Mark Zuckerberg signs petition against new Facebook design." (Photo by jimjarmo)

Mark Zuckerberg signs petition against new Facebook design

Owen Thomas · 10/10/08 06:00PM

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg signs autographs at an event for developers in France. Can you think of a better caption for this photo? Leave it in the comments. The best one will become the post's new headline. Yesterday's winner: Scalawag, for "On Sequoia's firing line." (Photo by mauriz)

On Sequoia's firing line

Owen Thomas · 10/09/08 06:00PM

What plots are the members of "Camp Cyprus," a group of young webheads, cooking up? Perhaps we'll read about them in a Wall Street Journal front-page A-hed, since reporter Jessica Vascellaro was on the scene, along with Wall Street-scion boyfriend Sam Lessin, the CEO of Can you think of a better caption? Leave it in the comments; the best one will become the new headline of the post. Yesterday's winner: TheChris2.0, for "McCain and Whitman unveil Social Security plan." (Photo by Sam Lessin)

McCain and Whitman unveil Social Security plan

Owen Thomas · 10/08/08 06:00PM

If you were just laid off from eBay, will there be a job for you in five months when your severance runs out? For answers, consult the eBay-branded slot machines now up and running in Las Vegas. Licensing the eBay name is no doubt lucrative, but it's a bizarre branding move, since eBay's moving away from its are-you-feeling-lucky auctions in favor of fixed-price sales. Can you come up with a better caption? Leave it in the comments. The best one will become the post's new headline. Yesterday's loser: Anyone who suggested "Ich bin ein Wiener." Yesterday's winner: godospoons, for "No, you can't use it to SuperPoke Poland." (Photo by waldoj)

No, you can't use it to SuperPoke Poland

Owen Thomas · 10/07/08 06:00PM

What was Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg doing in Germany, besides getting out of town while another college pal left his company? He was ostensibly guest-lecturing at the Technische Universität-Berlin, but we'll let your imagination run wild. Can you suggest a better caption for this photo? Do so in the comments. Monday's winner: johnyletter, for "I say we nuke the entire site from orbit." (Photo by cpthook)

I say we nuke the entire site from orbit

Owen Thomas · 10/06/08 06:00PM

San Francisco's LoveFest 2008 took place this weekend, turning Civic Center Plaza into a sand-free version of Black Rock City. Want to hate the playas? Suggest a caption in the comments. The best one will become the post's new headline. Friday's winner: raincoaster, for "I thought I ordered the pearl necklace." (Photo by az1568)

Vulgar ostentation never looked so good

Jackson West · 10/02/08 06:00PM

At the center of a small armada, Kleiner Perkins VC Tom Perkins's three-masted superyacht Maltese Falcon took a turn around San Francisco Bay last weekend. It's currently anchored in Richardson's Bay north of Sausalito, and if you've got a couple hundred million around, you could probably convince Perkins to let you take it off his hands. This post needs a better headline like Perkins needs humility, so offer one up in the comments and we'll select our favorite to re-title the post with. "Mashable founder proves he loves brown sugar" from ResearchZilla was the cupcake that took the cake yesterday. (Photo by Chris Comparini)

Mashable founder proves he loves brown sugar

Jackson West · 10/01/08 06:00PM

Young master Peter Cashmore of Mashable ditched the vest for the last party before repatriating to Blighty one step ahead of immigration officials. Here he's caught savoring a sweet cupcake with a come-hither glint in his eye. Proffer a different headline in the comments, and the most cunning linguist will be crowned with a new title on this post. Yesterday, emnem had the climactic entry with "Eric Shmidt and wife Wendy seen in Valleywag Green #61b335." (Photo by Andrew Mager)