
Maggie · 11/26/07 04:50PM

As if it weren't already hard enough to ignore the numbers of downtrodden foreigners who sacrifice so much so that we can have our doors opened, our bodies taxied and our authentic New York City Chinese food delivered, New York magazine has to run a story on what it's like (not great) to be a spa worker in this town. Thanks, Emily Nussbaum, for reminding us that there's something "distinctly slave and master" about having an Asian woman kneeling and scraping off your calluses.

Emily Gould · 07/09/07 09:50AM

"Over six years on HBO, the sitcom terraformed the city in its image, turning Manolos and Cosmos and those damned floppy flowers into icons." That's Emily Nussbaum on why there shouldn't be a Sex and the City movie. Word. [NYM]

Sex And The Cineplex

Emily Gould · 07/05/07 08:25AM

Only ten years after filming on the iconic HBO show began, the "Sex and the City" movie is a go! Fortunately, the stars of everyone's favorite show about "three whores and their mother" have only gotten younger and less stringy over the last decade. But here's the catch: Kim Cattrall gets her own HBO series for finally agreeing to sign on. Ooo! Ooo! Golden Girls '08, anyone?