
Better Talk to Your Kids About Sex All the Time

Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/11 05:34PM

Sex talk! Chewing tobacco! Cholesterol drugs! Womb psychology! Weight coaching! Baby abdomen! Kiwi heart! Medication erection! And hearing loss, say what? Haha. It's your Tuesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—age-appropriately!

You Don't Have to Get Old But You Do Have to Die

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/11 03:28PM

Drug approval! Earthquake danger! Child risks! Ending aging! Cancer marathon! Texas therapy! Pneumonia vaccination! Robot walking! And a whole new way of looking at regulation! It's your Friday Health Watch, where we watch your health—with a heavy heart!

Has Super Broccoli Fallen Into the Wrong Hands?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/26/11 04:38PM

HPV boys! Chest X-rays! Aging secrets! Bat disease! Old pacemakers! Filthy surface! Coffee protection! Super broccoli! And gurl U no U better keep taking that birth control! It's your Wednesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—in technicolor!

Docs Locate the Female Sense of Humor

Hamilton Nolan · 10/21/11 04:34PM

Gel vagina! Too salty! Letrozole victory! Salad sal-monella! Teen IQs! Proton babies! Skeptical docs! Malaria vaccine! And women laugh like this, while guys laugh like this! Right, fellas? It's your Friday Health Watch, where we watch your health—masculariously!

Cell Phones Don't Cause Cancer, If You Trust the Danish

Seth Abramovitch · 10/20/11 10:17PM

Great news, people who don't want brain cancer! A Danish study of 350,000 people over 18 years has found no link between that disease and cellphone usage. This contradicts the WHO's findings, who ruled they might cause cancer. [BBC]

Harvard Cancer Expert: Steve Jobs Probably Doomed Himself With Alternative Medicine

Ryan Tate · 10/13/11 03:26PM

Steve Jobs had a mild form of cancer that is not usually fatal, but seems to have ushered along his own death by delaying conventional treatment in favor of alternative remedies, a Harvard Medical School researcher and faculty member says. Jobs's intractability, so often his greatest asset, may have been his undoing.

Oral Sex Is Actually Causing Cancer

Maureen O'Connor · 10/04/11 12:10PM

You know that wives' tale about oral sex causing cancer? Turns out it's true, if the genitals in your throat have HPV, the vaccine-preventable virus that also causes cervical cancer.

Coffee Cures Women, Bad Comedians of Depression

Hamilton Nolan · 09/27/11 03:20PM

Cancer sex! Coffee women! Insurance cost! Doctor complaints! Fatherhood hearts! Diarrhea pools! Killer cantaloupes! Sleepy teens! And cheese is coming to take your soul to hell! It's your Tuesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—inappropriately!

Sexualizing Kids Sure Is Expensive

Hamilton Nolan · 09/22/11 03:12PM

Bedbug death! Brain collection! Obesity drug! Depression stroke! Lung cancer! Sexxxy kids! Soup disease! Killer cantaloupe! And young people who think they're pret-ty damn clever! It's your Thursday Health Watch, where we watch your health—before you're ready!

What Ever Happened to All-Natural Drugs Like Heroin?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/13/11 03:40PM

Immune cancer! Alpha males! Child naps! Hospital sepsis! Kidney disease! Erectile cure! More diabetes! Designer drugs! And you won't want to miss today's fruit that will kill you! It's your Tuesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—opioidally!

Andrea Mitchell Has Cancer

John Cook · 09/07/11 03:39PM

NBC News' chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell took to the airwaves today to announce on MSNBC that she's been diagnosed with breast cancer. But doctors caught it early, she said, and she has "a terrific prognosis." She'd like you to get screened for breast cancer, which seems like a reasonable request, if you are a lady.

Women Be Anesthetizing

Hamilton Nolan · 09/07/11 02:19PM

Drinky ladies! Fewer smokers! Cheaper hospitals! Zombie mutants! Frozen athletes! Gay health! Cancer survivors! Pregnant painkillers! And you don't need no blood thinner girl, you look fine! It's your Wednesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—relatively painlessly!

Cyborg Drone Beetle Soldiers Are Coming to a Head Near You

Hamilton Nolan · 09/02/11 04:33PM

Mars rocks! Skinny gene! Saffron cancer! Body odor! Beetle drones! Intergalactic traffic! Antibiotic resistance! Old fossils! And a whole new theory of prehistoric hand axe timing! It's your Friday Science Watch, where we watch science—coleopteristically!

Shocking Steve Jobs Illness Pics Might Be Fake

Lauri Apple · 08/27/11 11:01AM

So maybe those tear-jerking pictures of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs looking withered and skeletal were not real after all? A skeptic over at Reddit posted this annotated image as "proof" that the pics of Jobs, who stepped down as CEO earlier this week, were manipulated to make him look worse off than he might appear in real life. [Update below]