
Yahoo social-network whiz kid jumps to Facebook

Owen Thomas · 11/28/07 01:15PM

The exodus at Yahoo continues. Cameron Marlow, a leading light of Yahoo Research, has left its Berkeley building, as we noted — but we can now reveal his destination: Facebook. That Yahoo tried to acquire the social network last year for a fraction of its current $15 billion price just makes his departure more bitter. Marlow, you see, had developed one of the most intriguing social networks at Yahoo — Tagsona, an internal tool for finding coworkers at Yahoo working on similar projects. Tagsona has already inspired social features in Yahoo products — but, alas, its inventor will be cooking up new ideas at Facebook, not Yahoo. creator leaves Yahoo

Owen Thomas · 11/12/07 01:39PM

Andy Baio, the entrepreneur who created group calendar site and sold it to Yahoo two years ago, is leaving the company. Not surprising that a company founder would leave after an acquisition, especially after two years, since that's a typical length of time for shares to vest under a deal's earnout provision. But Baio was part of a generation of startuppers brought in to transform Yahoo in the wake of that company's groundbreaking acquisition of Flickr — like, for example, founder Joshua Schachter, shown here rocking out with Baio. Schachter is still a presence at Yahoo. But what's most notable about the list of people Baio thanks in his farewell post are the ones who are no longer there — or are on their way out.